The Astrology Company: May 2017May 2017 By Bob Mulligan (a personal note is at the end of the newsletter)
May has lots of mental activity during the first half of the month, then a consolidating and more restful period during that last two weeks. Mercury Conjuncted Uranus March 26th, turned Retrograde April 9th, then Conjuncting Uranus again on the 28th of April, turning Direct on May 3rd, and to reunite with Uranus in his Direct motion on the morning of the May 10th. This happens just before the Full Moon on the same day. This shows an added burst of thought-provoking energy starting on the 26th of March and going all the way to mid-May. From April 20th until May 15th Mercury is in Aries and Mars is in Gemini. These two planets of thought and action are in each other’s signs, this is mutual reception and strengthens our ability to grasp great ideas and translate them into action. With the North Node of the Moon moving back into Leo on the 9th and Mercury moving into Taurus on the 15th, the second half of the month will have a more emotional and stable feeling to it. Even so, the backdrop of turbulence is still with us. There are two measurements for the Moon’s Nodes, the Mean Node and the True Node. They are never very far apart, but regardless of which one is used, the Moon’s Nodes are crossing from Virgo back into Leo at the end of April and the beginning of May 2017, where it will be for the next 18 months. The North Node of the Moon in transit shows the dharma for the world. Leo is the sign of individual self-expression; this will be a time where following one’s true heart is augmented and we are encouraged to overcome any tendency to postpone making decisions. This will be a period of action.
The Full Moon is on the 10th at 5:44 PM EDT on the 20th degree of Taurus/Scorpio. Both Pluto and Neptune are in harmonious aspect with both the Sun and the Moon. This indicates the ability for us to stretch both emotionally and practically, as Neptune and the Moon are in water signs, and Pluto and the Sun are in earth signs. Mercury has just left the Conjunction to Uranus and is applying to the Trine of Saturn. This shows that we can exercise some mental discipline in our task of implementing a vast array of new insights gathered over the last five weeks. Mars (energy and desire) is Trine Jupiter (abundance) but also Square Neptune (infinite bliss). There can be a profound inner struggle now to stay on a path that makes sense and to control our passions. Saturn Trining both Uranus/ Mercury in Aries and the North Node of the Moon in Leo shows we must focus on our higher values to be able to live out our Truth, which we may all too easily speak. This is the time of the Wesak Festival. The time that the Buddha was born, obtained enlightenment, and left earthly life. It is believed that the Buddha returns to earth and gives out a new transmission of energy at the time of the Full Moon with the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio. Every Full Moon (and New Moon) is a powerful time for meditation. I have always found the Wesak Festival to be particularly helpful.
The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th at 4:31 PM EDT. With the Moon in Pisces at the base of a T-Square in mutable signs with Saturn Opposite Mars, we have lots of mental activity and much adjustment trying to integrate our need to slow down with our desire to expand. We have a picture of how things should be or could be, but it is hard to develop a coherent strategy to make this picture conform to the world we live in. But that won’t keep us from trying. With Pluto at the base of a T-Square with Venus Opposite Jupiter in Cardinal signs, we will continue trying to achieve big things all this solar month. Saturn, Uranus, and the North Node of the Moon form a Grand Trine in the fire signs, so in addition to our need to change, we have the enthusiasm coupled with belief in our abilities.
The New Moon is on the 25th at 3:45 PM EDT on the 4th degree of Gemini. Jupiter is both part of a T-Square with Pluto and Venus as well as the focal point of a Yod with Mercury and Neptune. A Yod is formed when two planets Sextile each other and are Quincunx a third. This shows great promise and optimism over the next four weeks. We should see clarity of mission and great improvement in relationships as Jupiter is in Libra (sign of one to one interactions). Mars Opposite Saturn and Sextile Uranus indicates the importance of getting our timing right and making room for innovation. Progress requires flexibility.
From the 1st to the 7th snap judgments and sudden reversals of fortune make for interesting, even exciting, times. However, it is important to keep a clear vision of where we have been and where we want to go. This requires discipline and continuous assessment of what we are doing.
From the 8th to the 14th nervous energy can dilute the effectiveness of our efforts this week. What does being practical really mean? Can we focus on material success without relinquishing our true values? Amidst the rapidly changing circumstances, we need to make time to sort through our own past.
From the 15th to the 21st pleasant feelings and a sense of security can help us get much needed rest. It’s time to enjoy life and to concentrate on the special people in our lives. Doing too much of a good thing can spell trouble. Learning to relax and be satisfied is the path to joy.
From the 22nd to the 31st consciously or unconsciously we are integrating several new factors into our lives. Days of slow-paced progress are punctuated with events that force us into action. Timing can be thrown off and lack of adequate information makes our judgment less clear. Measured steps (powered by patience) are the key to achievement.
1st – Monday – Lots of mental stimulation prompts us to entertain new methods and ideas. Obstacles emerge as we attempt to act on our insights. Courage is necessary to keep going against the odds.
2nd – Tuesday – Sun Sesquiquadrate Saturn – Discipline and flexibility, working in tandem, keep us focused on our goals. Realistic reevaluation reveals some key factors in our current journey. A new look at old difficulties can alter our direction.
3rd – Wednesday – Mercury turns Direct, Sun Sextile Neptune – When self-assurance is in harmony with the reality of our situation, we move forward. Final editing of our current plans can easily be based on taking the good from the past and building on new perceptions.
4th – Thursday – Getting the important details correct allows us to move forward with efficiency. Thoughts and activities can both be moving at a frantic pace. Disagreements can emerge when we don’t take time to explain or listen. We need to bring others along when we can.
5th – Friday – Sun Quincunx Jupiter – Thinking through our processes before acting can simplify our lives. Overextension and overcommitment can create confusion and exhaustion. Clarity comes by being patient and thorough.
6th – Saturday – Missteps and arguments come from being in too big a hurry. Love and coercion don’t go together. All relationships take work. We need to know what is worthy of our time and energy in order to connect with people intelligently.
7th – Sunday – Light-hearted interactions can bring joy to many. Taking time to lift someone else’s spirits can remind us of our own life’s purpose. It’s ok to just play, even when work is there to be done.
8th – Monday – Trying to please everyone can mean that conflicting interests create chaos. If we are observant though, we can see the connecting threads of many different lines of thought. Inspiration can emerge from a confusing mix of contradictory facts.
9th – Tuesday – Sun Trine Pluto – Changes we make today will be energized. On the other hand, if we stubbornly cling to our preconceived picture of truth, we will find the force of character to mark our territory and defend it. Both inner and outer progress comes by being true to our own perceptions.
10th – Wednesday – Mercury Conjunct Uranus, the Full Moon is at 5:44 PM EDT on the 20th degree of Taurus/Scorpio – We do ourselves a favor by bringing things we have been working on to their logical end. A minimalist perspective on life can reveal what is truly important. This can be a brilliant conclusion to a very thought-provoking period.
11th – Thursday – Mars Square Neptune, Mercury Trine Saturn – Matters of the heart can be confusing, but if we stay with a disciplined line of thought, we can see a way through controversy and find peace. When we feel indecisive, staying put is probably better than acting.
12th – Friday – Mars Trine Jupiter – Whimsical bursts of enthusiasm can lead us toward a day of joy. Being really sensitive to other people’s needs can help us obtain harmony at a moment when blind emotions can add to stress. Listening to others can help us escape the trap of our own convictions.
13th – Saturday – There is a real trick to being able to convey our ideas, whether through writing them down, or sharing them in conversation. In order to be free enough to explore new ways of thinking and interacting, we must relinquish all expectations that others will understand us. A negative mood can stop us from having the adventure that we could really be having. We need to keep the fires of excitement burning.
14th – Sunday – Mercury Semi-square Neptune – When we stay focused on the most practical aspects of our current situation, good things happen. There is a serious cast to the moment but that doesn’t have to mean dower. By keeping plans simple, we are able to accomplish much in a short period of time.
15th – Monday – Mercury enters Taurus – The equation changes. We try to gather momentum for a new direction but there are still a few lingering ingredients from our old life that must be folded into our plans. We have to start at the beginning and take one step at a time.
16th – Tuesday – Sun Semi-sextile Uranus – Taking a few steps away from our normal habits can help us resurrect activities that have been useful in the past. We are trying to figure out what is really valuable to us in the long run. This rumination may take several weeks.
17th – Wednesday – Sun Quincunx Saturn, Jupiter Quincunx Neptune – Timing can mean the difference between feeling good with what we have accomplished, or just feeling disappointed and overwhelmed. We need to see what is most important, do this first, then see what time and energy we have left. We see much that we can’t do anything about; prudence can prevent overextension. We continue long-range planning.
18th – Thursday – Venus Contra-parallel Jupiter – Confusion lifts when we clarify what we really want from other people. Take the high road and the day is easy and fun. Our natural desire to be free seems to express itself through all current activities.
19th – Friday – Saturn Trine Uranus, Mars Quincunx Pluto, Venus Opposite Jupiter, Sun Sesquiquadrate Jupiter, Venus Semi-sextile Neptune, Mercury Parallel Uranus – Thoughts revolving around past events have a way of working their way back into the present moment. With effort, we can reconstitute a picture of ourselves, our lives, and our pattern of relationships.
20th – Saturday – Sun Semi-square Venus, Sun enters Gemini – Making a good impression is generally a desirable thing. At this moment we need to see whether putting our “best foot forward” is an accurate picture of who we are. Our search for authenticity demands that our persona must actually reflect some inner quality.
21st – Sunday – Mercury Semi-square Mars – Sometimes a “kick in the rear” is necessary to get us moving. Even though interactions can be edgy, there is a creative and artistic aspect of all events coming into our lives. We are blessed when we can see this.
22nd – Monday – Regardless of how fast-paced the day is, take time for that special someone. Be kind to yourself and others. There are times to be swept up in world events, then there are days, like today, which are good for focusing on the small everyday occurrences in our personal lives.
23rd – Tuesday – Reverberations of things not seen and out of our immediate sphere of influence can upset our mood. These events may be seen to be a “cosmic hiccup” as we are moved to greener pastures. Enjoyment comes when we are lighthearted and pliable.
24th – Wednesday – Sun Sesquiquadrate Pluto – Finding the inner strength to go on with our plans may require a nudge by circumstances. We need to be able to take directive input in order to develop positive qualities. Insistence on getting our own way can be a real handicap. Openness is necessary.
25th – Thursday – Venus Square Pluto, the New Moon is at 3:45 PM EDT on the 4th degree of Gemini, Mercury Sesquiquadrate Saturn – Compulsive or erratic behavior works against us. Streams of brilliant insight come on the tails of tightly controlled discipline. We have been in a period which has demanded careful evaluation of our objectives. Now we are presented with an opportunity to finish this process and move on to the next phase. However, we aren’t done till we are really satisfied with the results and release the rest.
26th – Friday – Sun Contra-parallel Pluto – Accepting limitations and working within them can build a deep sense of confidence. The road ahead requires strength which only comes through faith. We take a step toward this development through trusting those closest to us.
27th – Saturday – Mercury Quincunx Jupiter – Taking a little time off and paying attention to home, family, and friendships can bring comfort. Pushing to accomplish important tasks can leave us overextended and exhausted. We are better off to listen to others without promising anything and postponing actions for a few days.
28th – Sunday – Mercury Sextile Neptune – We may feel the pressure of an upcoming schedule that looks to defy gravity. The balance between personal and professional life is maintained when we first establish a real inner equilibrium.
29th – Monday – Mars Opposite Saturn, Venus Contra-parallel Neptune – There is a gap between what we must do and what we would rather be doing. We get a deeper attunement to the cosmos by evaluating what happened in the past when we have followed our intuition, and when we haven’t. Emotional impulses are strong and can be channeled in a manner that supplies energy for the things that we must do. We can enjoy doing the right thing.
30th – Tuesday – Mars Sextile Uranus – Our impulse to act and to express something original propels us forward. Projects started now have a high degree of success. Innovative ideas are aimed at giving us more individual freedom. Shaping our future begins with having a clear picture of what we are doing and then having good timing.
31st – Wednesday – Mercury Trine Pluto – Big bold steps taken now can receive extra energy. Reading the signs supplied by the universe helps us correctly appraise the limits of our personal influence. Deep insights allow us to act quickly, then consolidate our gains.
Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material. Call him at 239-261-2840 or by e-mail at Visit our web site,
This last month was very productive. Rewriting sections of my book occupied every available moment. I’m both a slow reader and a slow writer. An example is this newsletter, which used to take two hours, now takes two days; but hopefully the elongated timing actually makes for better comprehension. My reading has been motivated by my two major interests, Astrology and Meher Baba’s writings. Both of these have two distinct focuses. I try to stay up on new literature that emerges and, at the same time, I need to refresh by rereading classics from the past. I owe a special thanks to an old friend in the astrology community, Arlan Wise, for keeping me abreast of many new works in the astrology community. She writes book reviews which are just wonderful, and over the last year or two I have read most every book she reviewed. When I was in graduate school, one of my favorite classes was “The Aesthetics of Literary Criticism”. We learned to read and write reviews. Arlan not only writes great reviews, she only reviews works that are worthy of one’s time to read.
Near the end of April my daughter, Bailey, came for a visit. We had a chance to catch up on each other’s lives. I’ve been still digesting my last trip to India; its significance is vast.
On May 14th from 3-5 PM, I’ll be giving a talk, “Meher Baba, Astrology, and the Spiritual Path” at the Circle of Friends in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Here is the link if you want the particulars for this event:
Astrological “Boot Camp” for Spiritual Aspirants – Saturday and Sunday – June 3rd and 4th 2017 – This is a special workshop presenting material from the results of the last two decades of my work. None of this material has been public before, so it is with great anticipation that I bring it forward now. I’ll be presenting the workshop at the home of Fernanda Day in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Let me know if you want a flier for this event. Details are also posted on my website:
Registration for UAC in Chicago between May 24th and the 29th, 2018 is coming along nicely, even one year out. The two talks I’m giving at this conference should be phenomenal. This will be the largest gathering of astrology people in history, with 175 different astrologers, from every continent in the world. The best astrologers in every system will be speaking at this conference. This gathering will not be surpassed for a long time. Some of you have emailed me that you are already registered. Thank you, I appreciate you letting me know. We are going to have a wonderful time. Here’s the link: