The Astrology Company: July 2021 by Bob MulliganJuly 2021 By Bob Mulligan (a personal note is at the end of the newsletter)
July Highlights Venus (feminine) and Mars (masculine) are active and basically work together all month. They take turns Opposing Saturn and Squaring Uranus between the 1st and the 8th. This will activate the year-long Square between Saturn (rules and regulations) and Uranus (spontaneous unpredictability). In the larger cosmic picture, Mars is strength and Venus is peace, harmony, and gentleness. On the 13th they make their annual Conjunction. This year this occurs in Leo, the sign of prominence. In our personal lives the first half of the month is a time for love, romance, and blazing a new path in our relationships. With Mercury (communication and transportation) entering Cancer (personal feelings and family) on the 11th, all interactions will possess a more endearing flavor. Tending our own garden (metaphorically and literally) promises a calming of the mind. Venus enters Virgo on the 21st then Opposes Jupiter on the 22nd. “Connecting the dots” seems to require more effort than it is worth. As the Sun enters Leo on this same day, we are fixing into place some habits that will be with us for awhile. It’s important that we keep striving for meaning through the details of our daily lives, even when it seems unobtainable. On the 27th Mercury enters Leo, and then is Quincunx Jupiter. Big picture dramas captivate our attention. If we are peaceful enough we can get a glimpse of the coming year. On the 28th Jupiter Retrogrades back into Aquarius. This puts us in touch with significant details of our recent past. We are moving into a new consciousness. World leaders pick up the threads of unfinished business. On the 29th Mars Opposes Jupiter, then enters Virgo. The best use of this energy is to focus on the obvious, and create order in both our personal and public lives. The New Moon The New Moon is at 18 degrees of Cancer on the 9th at 9:18 PM EDT. With the New Moon Sextile Uranus, striking insights confront us, regardless of whether or not we want them. Venus is applying to a Conjunction to Mars and a Square to Uranus. Bold and appropriate steps come to us naturally; every prospect in our lives is worth following up on. Mercury is Square Neptune and applies to a Trine to Jupiter. We struggle to get clarity of vision and can be perplexed as our turn toward the familiar brings us into contact with new thoughts, inferences, and insights. We have laid the groundwork for something miraculous; we must have the courage to embrace it. The Full Moon The Full Moon is on the 23rd at 10:36 PM EDT on the 1st degree of Leo/Aquarius. Venus and Mars Oppose Jupiter. We benefit from past actions, but we must wait for others to catch up. Mercury Trines Neptune. Our emotional energy forces us to make choices. Acknowledging what we have accomplished allows us to see clearly what our next move needs to be. Worry and physical tension drain joy from our path. Relinquishing unproductive habits of mind allows us to feel the calm that we deserve. The Sun enters Leo The Sun crosses into Leo on the 22nd at 10:28 AM EDT. Venus Opposes Jupiter. Our plans and goals may be powered by optimism and joy, but we easily spread ourselves too thin. Mars Quincunx Pluto provides energy, but we tend to be stubbornly addicted to our own point of view. Also, we may feel victimized by other people’s insistence on having their own way. We are happiest when we take resistance with a grain of salt. The Moon in Capricorn is Trine Uranus in Taurus, so we are pretty sure of what we want to achieve, even though it carries us away from the known. This solar month works out best if we integrate our thoughts and feelings with new information which comes from several directions. The Weeks From the 1st to the 4th we experience some frustration trying to achieve either too much, or focusing on the wrong things. World events either make us numb or give us a picture that life is harder than it really is. Serenity comes through quiet persistence. From the 5th to the 11th as one door closes another opens. The love we wish for is closer than it seems. After running around in circles, we get our thoughts together through self-nurturing and companionship. Just because we experience fear doesn’t mean that disaster is just around the corner. We are growing, courtesy of all the events in our environment. From the 12th to the 18th bold steps and an unexpected turn of events lead us in a new direction. We have a golden opportunity to improve every aspect of life; relationships and spiritual progress are particularly highlighted. From the 19th to the 25th concentrating on the details of daily living creates the circumstances that allow a leap in faith without taking a leap in logic. The commonplace is our passport to genuine adventure. Integrating our values with our perceived reality strengthens our commitment to be part of the solution. From the 26th to the 31st if we are honest with ourselves, this is not so much a time of stretching as it is reclaiming and completing tasks left undone. Even though we have responsibilities, we can let others into our lives. As the saying goes, “many hands make light work.” The Days 1st – Thursday – Mars Opposite Saturn – At the physical level, focusing on the most minute details and seeing every project through to conclusion is not only gratifying, it is purposeful in our current direction. Emotionally, we need to be clear that we are not being victimized. Mentally we must affirm that we create our own boundaries. 2nd – Friday – Compulsive behavior can get us in trouble. Our correct choice of friends allows the release of energy in a fun and constructive manner. Our need for quick results is a virtue if we keep our circle of involvement in the realm of the manageable. 3rd – Saturday – Mercury Parallel Venus, Venus Sesquiquadrate Neptune, Sun Quincunx Saturn, Mars Contra-parallel Saturn, Mars Square Uranus – Balanced self-expression is the key to happiness today. If we stifle our natural urge to be creative, we are at risk for bursting forward without forethought. If we are correctly aligned with others, results show up immediately in the environment. 4th – Sunday – Regardless of how easy enjoyment comes to us, there is an underlying feeling that we are sitting on a time bomb. Our instincts are telling us that something is up. As the future will reveal, some unnerving responses to life now are disproportional. Relaxing allows us to tune in more meaningfully. 5th – Monday – Sun Sextile Uranus – Instinct and intuition work hand in glove, but reason is left out of the formula. We may be unaware of how distant we are from our normal habits, as everything seems to be as expected. There are a few surprises, but unless we are incredibly observant, the unusual just gets folded into the contours of life. 6th – Tuesday – Mercury Square Neptune, Venus Opposite Saturn – Isolation breeds shortsightedness. Without contact with others we can retreat into our own private fantasy world. It is more fulfilling to share with others. This requires reaching out and listening. 7th – Wednesday – Sun Contra-parallel Pluto – Adjusting to the needs of present life circumstances requires openness and understanding. Including others in our plans can be easier than it initially seems. Talk with people you trust. 8th – Thursday –Sun Sesquiquadrate Jupiter, Mercury Quincunx Pluto, Venus Square Uranus – An optimistic spirit can fortify our ability to probe life’s deeper mysteries. Our own mental chemistry presents problems to be solved. With a goodhearted attitude toward others, we open to innovative possibilities. 9th – Friday – Mercury Sesquiquadrate Saturn, Venus Contra-parallel Saturn, the New Moon occurs at 9:18 PM EDT on the 18th degree of Cancer – When we honestly face the existing limitations to our situation, we can achieve great things quickly. Light descending into our lives gives a more realistic perspective. 10th – Saturday – The barriers in our path are familiar; gradual measured steps bring progress. Great ideas come, but it may be some time before these thoughts can be meaningfully implemented. 11th – Sunday – Mercury Semi-square Uranus, Mercury enters Cancer – Plans have a way of changing and some things that we wish for don’t materialize, but this can be a blessing. Our taste and attitude are shifting. 12th – Monday – Sun Parallel Mercury, Mercury Trine Jupiter – Asking ourselves, “what do we really want?” leads us to some new conclusions. We have an opportunity to transform our values and see our life in a new way. We need willpower to take the next step. Our emotions, when correctly understood, hold the key to our transformation. 13th – Tuesday – Venus Conjunct Mars – Romance is in the air but there are some other things that may be more significant. We have our own projects in the works, but connections with others are essential. We can create something beautiful when we work together. 14th – Wednesday – Mars Parallel Uranus – We make decisions and operate immediately based on our intuitions. Logic and reason only carry us so far. We do best to not overthink every situation. We are balancing the familiar with the unique. 15th – Thursday – Venus Parallel Uranus, Sun Trine Neptune, Mercury Contra-parallel Pluto, Venus Parallel Mars, Mercury Semi-square Mars – Luck is with us when we put our wishful thinking into a tangible form. Following our heart is a good thing when we take other people’s needs into account. 16th – Friday – Venus Quincunx Neptune – We have love and creativity to share. Beautifying our home and office is a great use of the urge to manifest harmony. At the same time, there are real differences, and absolute obligations. Between people, peace doesn’t have to mean appeasement. Order in our environment is a good thing; stuffing things into closets and drawers to tidy up is cheating. If we want our lives to fit the narrative, then shortcuts are out. 17th – Saturday – Sun Opposite Pluto – Getting a work/life balance may mean nothing more than eliminating some activities; most of these things take a lot of time and give very little in return. Emotional happiness comes by relinquishing the bad to make more time for the good. 18th – Sunday – Venus Quincunx Pluto, Mercury Semi-square Venus, Mercury Quincunx Saturn, Mars Quincunx Neptune- We need to choose our activities carefully as we don’t have time or energy for everything that comes to mind as a possibility. Getting to the root of our motivation can help us see what the heart’s desire is. When thoughts and feelings don’t agree, rest is always an option. 19th – Monday – Sun Semi-sextile Venus – We can stretch beyond ourselves by remembering the good that others have done for us. These kinds of thoughts and feelings create a foundation. We are ready to manufacture something beautiful for others. We are in a chain of good; we pass it on. 20th – Tuesday – Mercury Sextile Uranus, Mercury Sesquiquadrate Jupiter – If we search out new experiences, information comes flooding in. Solving world problems is best built on individual self-awareness. Time spent checking and rechecking our system of valuation is never wasted. 21st – Wednesday – Venus enters Virgo – Overlooked details can trip us up, but losing ourselves in mindless minutia is even worse. We have a rare opportunity to carry the things we love in our private life into the public arena. 22nd – Thursday – Venus Opposite Jupiter, Mars Quincunx Jupiter, Sun enters Leo – Facts and theories don’t match up. We have to tell the truth to ourselves if we are going to tell it to anyone else. Recalibration may be necessary. We can alter the course of our journey without losing sight of our final destination. 23rd – Friday –Sun Quincunx Jupiter, Venus Contra-parallel Jupiter, Mercury Contra-parallel Pluto, the Full Moon is at 10:36 PM EDT on the first degree of Leo/Aquarius – Putting our best foot forward, and keeping our interactions with others pleasing is almost second nature, and certainly natural. However, it is important to stay on task. It is easy to get lost in pleasantries and suffer from over-extension. To acknowledge where we have come from, the ground we have covered, and to feel grateful is the strategy to move forward, to grow, and to allow our consciousness to mature. 24th – Saturday – Mercury Trine Neptune – Creative inspiration is all around us. If we let our highest vision of a future world infuse our actions, sacrifice may be required; this may not be practical in the eyes of the world, but nonetheless meaningful. If we help others, we find happiness. 25th – Sunday – Mercury Opposite Pluto – We are confronted with issues that we know very well. Limitations of the pandemic, the economy, and collective fearfulness are brewing. Still, we can do something to improve our lives. First we must grasp the significance of our life’s difficulties; second we need to understand that we are more powerful than we would have imagined. Effort makes a difference. 26th – Monday – It is not always easy to ask for what we want. There is a bond between us. We need to recognize that the gift of love is in everyone. When we focus on this fact the distance between us melts. Help comes automatically when we are headed in the right direction, and our cause is just. 27th – Tuesday – Mercury Semi-sextile Mars, Mercury enters Leo, Mercury Quincunx Jupiter – Giving our attention to those less fortunate than us is rewarding. Acute sensitivity to the cares and suffering of the world may leave us ineffective in anything we are doing. Our efforts bring results. 28th – Wednesday – Jupiter Retrogrades back into Aquarius – It is as if we are suddenly released from our chains. We can tackle problems one at a time with enthusiasm. We are initiating activity with much vigor and enthusiasm. Even though others may seem stuck in their ways, it is worth listening to them, again. 29th – Thursday – Mars Contra-parallel Jupiter, Mars Opposite Jupiter, Mars enters Virgo – Tremendous energy is being released everywhere. We may find others to be rambunctious and overly competitive. We fare best when we enjoy the exuberance without contributing to the strife. 30th – Friday – Sun Contra-parallel Saturn, Venus Sesquiquadrate Pluto, Venus Quincunx Saturn, Sun Sesquiquadrate Neptune – Living with limitations is fine as long as we are aware of them and acknowledge their function in our lives. Problem solving in relationships is possible; when solutions are initiated by others they have more potency. It is best to wait for them. Holding ourselves back brews misunderstanding so we need to be prompt and appropriate with our responses. 31st – Saturday – World events test us. Are we willing to make sacrifices for the good of the planet, for society, for others? Fear, greed, and hatred push people back into a self-created prison. If we free ourselves emotionally from our past attachments, we can experience true freedom. Even if this is only momentary, we learn by seeing the connection. Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material. Call him at 239-261-2840 or by e-mail at Visit our website,
My Personal Note For the last few months, Katie has been updating my website. Now it is possible to get a few of my most popular articles. A few of my current videos are here as well. If you missed the question and answer session on June 20th but would like to see it, here is the link: The next Q and A will be July 18th at 1 PM EDT. Submit questions in advance; email me for the link. About a month ago I stopped taking my blood pressure medicine. I had been taking it since halfway through my last pilgrimage to India in September of 2019. Immediately, the debilitating side effects of this medication went away. I’m taking some herbal remedies recommended by Tony, the owner of Nature’s Garden, a local health food store. My doctor went along with it. My blood pressure has gone down. There is a larger issue of not relying on authorities, but doing our own research. In one sense we have to own our own health. In this same regard, expert financial astrologers who have been a source of knowledge and whose advice I continue to take were dead wrong on the housing market. When I tried to show that housing prices are going up month after month according to the National Board of Realtors and all relevant government statistics, I got a cold shoulder. It is like trying to explain to Trump that he actually did lose the election. There is no cure for willful ignorance and a closed mind. Plants on my lanai are growing quite well. I have orchids, peace lilies, golden pothos, a live Christmas tree, and numerous succulents. There may come a time in the future where I will have a proper outside garden but perhaps that is for another lifetime. When I was a child I had a vegetable garden in my back yard and really enjoyed it. There are so many health benefits to actually getting your hands in the earth. I’m very fortunate to be in the forest three times every day. “Everyone talks about changing the world. Nobody talks about changing themselves.” – Tolstoy
Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material. Call him at 239-261-2840 or by e-mail at Visit our website, |