The Astrology Company: August 2021 by Bob Mulligan

August 2021

By Bob Mulligan

(a personal note is at the end of the newsletter)


August Highlights 

Mars (god of energy) is in Virgo (sign of details) all month.  This places great emphasis on getting material results. Ruler of Virgo, Mercury, enters on the 11th and will be there until the 30th.  Venus (goddess of love and beauty) is in Virgo until the 16th when she enters Libra (sign of balance).  This indicates that the first week and a half of August will be a continuation of issues we are familiar with from July.  From the 11th until the 16th we are likely to see a flurry of negotiation, and a deal struck sometime after. 

Uranus turns Retrograde on the 19th which gives us all the planets from Jupiter on out Retrograde until October.  This means that it is unlikely that we will be plowing any new ground until the fall.

The New Moon 

The New Moon on the 8th at 9:49 AM EDT is on the 16th degree of Leo. Venus (harmony) is Opposite Neptune, and also Trine both Pluto and Uranus.  These three planets form a Grand Trine in earth (materially grounding) so even though we are looking for practical outcomes, these planetary deities will be stirring things up.  We are in the midst of a revolution in consciousness.  With Saturn Trine the North Node of the Moon, we need real detachment to get results.  Hard work and commitment to a cause can show us the path forward.  Mercury Quincunx both Neptune and Pluto brings a much larger picture of life to our awareness.  We raise our consciousness by relating the magnitude of the entire universe to the struggles of our individualized self.  The mind changes gears and slows down. 

The Full Moon 

The Full Moon is on August 22nd at 8:01 AM EDT on the 29th degree of Leo/Aquarius.  Jupiter is Conjunct the Moon and Opposite the Sun.  Our expectations may inflate.  Clearly, we are finishing something up, even if we don’t recognize that we have come to the end.  Venus and Saturn form a Grand Trine in air (the abstract element) with the North Node of the Moon.  We can acquire new knowledge by getting rid of the things that get in the way. Really listening to others can save us a lot of time going forward. 

The Sun enters Virgo 

The Sun enters Virgo on August 22nd at 5:35 PM EDT.  There is no fire (the element of energy) in the chart, and 50 % of the chart is in the earth element.  This gives a practical bent to the whole Solar month.  Mercury (ruler of Virgo) is Conjunct Mars (desire) and Trine Uranus (brilliant insight).  Lots of energy is expended on finding tangible solutions to pressing difficulties. The Pisces Moon (the public) Squares the Nodes (Dharma).  This suggests more polarization in the general population, some embracing fact and some fantasy.  In this chart, Pluto in Capricorn rises in Washington, D.C.  Long standing issues come to a head.  Venus Trine Saturn and the North Node of the Moon encourages us to be detached and dutiful.

The Weeks 

From the 1st to the 8th will it be fun and adventure or hard work?  There is a big temptation to just slough off and go on an adventure.  Fear and a sense of duty can keep us close to the home fires, but the call of the wild will have some role to play for each of us. It behooves us to stay fully present and participate in the moment.

From the 9th to the 15th the potential is present for each of us to make real progress.  Intensified attention to every last detail brings advancement, provided we focus our attention correctly. It is easy to be led astray chasing inconsequential distractions.  If we keep our eyes on the goal we succeed.

From the 16th to the 22nd compromise and deal making is the order of the day. One step at a time we are able to accomplish much in a relatively short period of time.  Some of the projects coming to conclusion have been in the works for a long time and are past overdue.  Even through twists and turns we are able to achieve desired outcomes.

From the 23rd to the 31st long-standing personal projects capture our attention. Key relationships are central; marriage partners, children, and anyone we live with blossom when we give them our attention.  We need some downtime during this week in order to be at peak performance going forward.

The Days 

1st – Sunday – Sun Conjunct Mercury, Mercury Opposite Saturn –  Taking the time to delineate every item on our “to do” list allows us proper sequencing of the coming projects.  Some things are going to take more time than we would like to allot.  Accepting the facts and limitations facing us through the month is a good first step. Careful planning now will save us much time later on. Our priorities must be our central focus even if we alter our procedures as we go. 

2nd – Monday –  Sun Opposite Saturn –  The day goes smoothly as long as we “paint inside the lines”.   When we are clear as to what we must do, and what someone else is responsible for, every action is satisfying. There is easy reciprocity between our values and what others in our lives want.  We just have to listen.

3rd – Tuesday – Venus Trine Uranus, Mercury Contra-parallel Saturn, Mercury Square Uranus – Things invisible actually come into view.  We may be tempted to chart a new course.  Innovation is really for later; we are able to drink in ideas that are ahead of their time.  Heart and mind may be on different wavelengths.  Love may surge, but practical applications of our thought along tried and true methodologies take us where we need to be for the moment. 

4th – Wednesday –  Stilling our minds may only come by turning our attention to our most familiar channels.  Finding inner calm allows us to participate in other people’s dramas without causing more confusion.  We convey peace and harmony when we possess it ourselves. 

5th – Thursday – Mercury Semi-sextile Venus – Increasing our vision of what is possible is dependent on having a clear idea of what we actually want.  Imagining the end result for our musings can help us raise our vibration.  Through the simple act of projecting our ideas outward to their logical conclusions point out the worthlessness of most of our cravings. 

6th – Friday –  Sun Parallel Mercury, Sun Square Uranus –   Good ideas are not so easy to share.  We are still formulating our thoughts.  New information and spontaneous notions move us in counterpoint to our logical path.  Some habits are up for review.  If we act in accordance with our intuition, our behavior gathers potency. 

7th – Saturday –  Mercury Parallel Uranus, Mercury Quincunx Neptune –  Hope comes by being restful.  In our quiet personal space something new happens.  Imagination has a role to play in our development.  We have to see a beautiful world if we are to create it.  In order to help others, we must swim to the shore and stand on solid ground.

8th – Sunday –  The New Moon is at 9:51 AM EDT on the 16th degree of Leo – The power to change the world for the better begins by taking action, waiting, then taking more action.  Inertia is overcome and we are in motion.  Pacing ourselves through the next two weeks will be critical.  Regardless of the consequences, we must hold on to our truth. 

9th – Monday –  Mercury Quincunx Pluto, Venus Contra-parallel Neptune, Venus Opposite Neptune –  Does our plan match the circumstances in the environment?  Stretching is a good thing provided we don’t go beyond what we can adequately grow into.  Getting thoughts and feelings to work together is part of the process of integrating our intuition with our logic. 

10th – Tuesday –  Mercury Opposite Jupiter –  Low-hanging fruit may not be the ripest. Going for the quick win is fine as long as we understand that we aren’t done yet.   Our preferences may change, but it is important to be honest with ourselves; are we led by want or convenience? 

11th – Wednesday –  Venus Sesquiquadrate Saturn, Mercury Contra-parallel Jupiter, Mercury enters Virgo, Venus Trine Pluto –  Self-doubt can impede our actions.  Life is hard enough without getting in our own way.  Dedication and persistent effort carries the day.  We are tying up loose ends and getting ready to close a deal. 

12th – Thursday –  A series of last minute additions fills our boat.  Many people can be made happy through simple acknowledgement.  Recognition of our diversity allows space for inclusion.  We can get along with anyone under the right circumstances.  An expanded heart makes the environment inclusive.  

13th – Friday –  Mars Quincunx Saturn –  Technical problems have simple solutions as long as we believe in our abilities, and the structure of life itself.  Separating our job from everyone else’s brings clarity and optimism.  Helping others is fine as long as we allow them to experience the joy that comes through letting them contribute to the final results. 

14th – Saturday – Venus Quincunx Jupiter, Mars Sesquiquadrate Pluto –  Frustration can reach a fever pitch if we let it run on without conscious intervention.  Trouble is avoided through the correct application, and correctly aimed, force.  This is a time for true enjoyment.  We have accomplished much and should acknowledge this fact. 

15th – Sunday – Venus Sesquiquadrate Uranus –  Brand-new situations emerge as a byproduct of eliminating what doesn’t work anymore. People, projects, and programs come our way and stimulate our desire for balance, harmony, and order.  People come and go from our lives, but some have a special place because they have genuinely helped us grow.

16th – Monday –  Venus enters Libra, Mercury Quincunx Saturn, Sun Contra-parallel Jupiter –  With an open attitude we are able to move swiftly into a new arena.  Allowing others into our lives expands our awareness; we accomplish much more than we set out to achieve.  “Many hands make light work.”  Community decisions are more fruitful than single-minded control.  We all help each other. 

17th – Tuesday – Mercury Sesquiquadrate Pluto, Sun Quincunx Pluto – Skimming over the surface of life is not particularly satisfying.  Diving deep into mysteries is better than superficial analysis; at the same time, the process of taking ideas apart and examining them should remain fun.  A wide-angle lens and the spirit of adventure help keep us jolly. 

18th – Wednesday –  Mercury Parallel Mars, Mercury Conjunct Mars –  That extra phone call, the last minute email can make a difference.  Dedication to our craft can help us give the extra push to accomplish our task.  We are happiest if we stay focused on material objects of processes.  We get more done if we avoid criticism.

19th – Thursday – Sun Opposite Jupiter, Uranus turns Retrograde – Our reach has gone out as far as it can.  We enter a time of conclusion and consolidation.  True, we can keep expanding, but to do so meaningfully we must radically alter our approach.  Regardless, we are approaching an apex with or without our effort. 

20th – Friday – Mercury Trine Uranus – Disconnected pieces of data come together providing a new perception.  Our senses are dilated.  Sensation, reason, and intuition align. We push forward. Perseverance pays big dividends.  Camaraderie lightens our spirit and makes even ordinary tasks pleasant. 

21st – Saturday –  Even though we may overvalue our freedom, some sacrifices of personal, time, space, and privacy are surrendered to cross the finish line.  “Going with the flow” doesn’t mean going on vacation.  Staying relaxed is very helpful but not so easy.  Tension builds up; if we are self-observant, we can release it periodically.

22nd – Sunday – The Full Moon is at 8:01 AM EDT on the 29th degree of Leo/Aquarius – It requires faith in the Almighty and detachment to release things that have been part of our lives for a long period of time.  Whatever we hold onto now will limit our freedom in the future.  We need to ask “is it worth it?”  Connecting with people while defending clarified boundaries helps delineate our next steps; it does not have to be alone.

23rd – Monday – Venus Trine Saturn, Mercury Contra-parallel Neptune –  Exploring unknown realms feels safe when proven safety nets provide a degree of security.  Channeling our curiosity toward the familiar reveals hidden dimensions.  Even though we pay allegiance to authority figures, we are cutting our own path.

24th – Tuesday –  Mercury Opposite Neptune –  We may wander a bit, trying to hold a larger vision of life while at the same time, taking care of mundane tasks.  We tread water for awhile, and then get solid ground under our feet.  Our major task is to be in two worlds simultaneously: the practical and the visionary. 

25th – Wednesday – Venus Parallel Neptune, Mercury Sesquiquadrate Saturn, Venus Sesquiquadrate Jupiter –  Inspiration moves us to complete something which has been a  long time coming.  Careful analysis of the job we have to complete today will allow us to split complex tasks into bite-sized pieces. Periodic flashes of insight assist us to cross the finish line and get closer.  To harvest the inherent luck of the day requires us to stay aware and keep working. 

26th – Thursday – Mercury Trine Pluto –  Today is a bridge; as circumstances evolve, we apply information gathered over the last couple of weeks to our daily lives. What we do today is preparation for accomplishments coming to us over the next five days.

27th – Friday –  Mercury Quincunx Jupiter, Venus Contra-parallel Mars –  Events are instructive as we are learning to grow.  Putting our thoughts to good use means waking up and actually changing some key component in the way we do things.  We change our behavior.  Relationships improve when we recognize the common ground we all stand on. 

28th – Saturday –  Venus Quincunx Uranus –  Even though the environment is closing in around us, we awaken to a new reality.  The excitement of an adventure is upon us.  We can expand our horizons without jeopardizing our foothold in the familiar. 

29th – Sunday – Writing, taking notes, contemplating where we have been all strengthen our mental acuity.   It is even more beneficial if we are able to share ideas and reflections with others. It is time to pay attention to our own thought process so we can see what is worth sharing.

30th – Monday – Mercury enters Libra –  It is easy to construct excuses for avoiding the obvious routine duties.  However, the high road today is to keep moving forward and do the obvious.  We enjoy it more than we thought we would.  A life in motion is more fulfilling than life sedentary today. 

31st – Tuesday –  Lighten up.  The world doesn’t have to be a serious affair.  Life is more fun when we include others in our activities.  Even though we have strong beliefs powering our actions, it is easy to become over-extended and run out of energy mid-week.  It is best to keep moving, but to pace ourselves. 

Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material.  Call him at 239-261-2840 or  e-mail at  Visit our website 

My Personal Note 

My sister, Dawn, was visiting my other sister, Mary Alice, in Sarasota.  On Friday the 23rd of July, I drove up to see them in Mary Alice’s home.  It was a wonderful visit. On Wednesday night during the family Zoom meeting, we decided to have a family reunion in the fall or spring.  It has been a long time coming.

I did venture out for dinner on the 14th with my long-time friends, John and Michelle.  This was my first social gathering outside my home since the pandemic started.  It was wonderful to have some in-person social interaction, and I’m planning to do more in August.

If you missed the last Question and Answer session on Zoom, here is the link to the Q and A from July 18th, 2021:

The next Question and Answer session will be on August 15th at 1 PM EDT.  Submit questions and I will address them.

 My friend and long time colleague, Kathleen Burt, has just sent me her latest book, “Yesteryear”.  It is her autobiography.  It is fun, well- written, and fascinating.  Interspersed with her personal history is lots of useful information on astrology and yoga. 

Chris McRae’s last book, “Great Conjunctions: Shifting Times” is a must read for any astrologer.  It is a masterpiece, carefully crafted and assiduously researched. 

The housing market and the stock market continue to inflate, and will probably keep moving upward until mid-2022.

 I’ve taken a number of seminars on cryptocurrencies.  My son, Sylvan, sent me this interview on Bitcoin. 

When she was at graduate school in the 1970s, Dr. Katalin Kariko learned about something that would become a career-defining obsession: mRNA.  This is a podcast from the inventor of the biotechnology behind the two vaccines for the Coronavirus.

‎The Daily: The Unlikely Pioneer Behind mRNA Vaccines on Apple Podcasts 

“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.”  Maximilien Robespierre  

“True culture is the result of spiritual values assimilated into life.  Therefore, you must keep before you the ideal of that spiritual culture which, once developed, imparts life and beauty to all undertakings – educational, technical, industrial, social, moral and political – and pierces through their differences to produce unity.  This results in the development of the highest character in the life of a nation or individual.”  – Meher Baba 

Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material.  Call him at 239-261-2840 or e-mail at  Visit our website,