The Astrology Company: February 2022 by Bob Mulligan

February 2022

By Bob Mulligan

(a personal note is at the end of the newsletter)


February Highlights

Even though we are interested in the world events swirling around us, we are most effective when we narrow our focus to things at hand.  When Mercury turns Direct on the 3rd, we get our mental feet planted on more solid ground, and can move forward with assurance.  Measured steps and carefully crafted decisions move us forward all month.  When Mercury goes into Aquarius on the 14th, our plans get solidified then modified in rapid succession. Even though Jupiter Sextile Uranus on the 17th seems like a lucky aspect meant for others, it follows on the heels of Pluto Trine the North Node of the Moon, and Venus Conjunct Mars.  This provides everyone with a lucky break.  By being practical we can translate our dreams into the beautiful, so they don’t become a nightmare.  Jupiter is Semi-square Pluto on the 23rd which will upset the apple cart in the world of finance. This provides a unique opportunity to put aside fear and take some personal steps to secure a more adequate future, not just for ourselves, but for all. 


The New Moon 

The New Moon on February 1st at 12:45 AM EST is on the 12th degree of Aquarius.  The most salient feature of this New Moon is the fact that it is Square Uranus (lord of invention). This indicates that we are looking for ways to getting innovative ideas into practice.  Because Saturn is close to the New Moon, Uranus also Squares Saturn; indicating the ongoing struggle between the old world which stands in the way of the new world being born; the struggle between old and new intensifies. Uranus plays a pivotal role as it rules Aquarius (sign of the New Moon).  Uranus is Trine the Venus/Mars Conjunction and Sextile to Jupiter; Uranus is not well placed in Taurus (sign of his fall); however, he prompts many of us to remember what we are really doing and start to move in a constructive direction.  Retrograde Mercury is separating from the Conjunction of Pluto; an aspect lasting until the Full Moon.  This shows an intensification of mental energy toward solving concrete problems. The North Node of the Moon (dharma) is Trine the Conjunction.  What we set in motion now is necessary, fruitful, and will eventually bring positive change.


The Full Moon

 The Full Moon on the 16th at 11:57 AM EST is at 27 degrees and 59 minutes of Aquarius/Leo. Venus and Mars are Conjunct and Trine Uranus.  They rule the North and South Nodes of the Moon, indicating that paying attention to our close personal relationships can heal the wound that separates us from one another.  We can be part of the solution by developing new habits.   Jupiter Sextile Uranus is setting the stage for taking a huge leap in consciousness.  Venus/Mars in Semi-sextile Saturn, as well as Pluto Semi-sextile the Sun and Quincunx the Moon, is building a bridge. An energized belief in the power of love, and the complete lack of joy we have by hanging onto our past, opens a gate.  We have the ability to be truly happy. 


The Sun enters Pisces 

The Sun enters Pisces on the 18th at 11:44 AM EST.  The Moon is Opposite Neptune and Trine Pluto. Fishing through a myriad of details can lead us to the source of joy.  Facts are important, but we need our higher intuition and our heart to select our goals, first.  With both rulers of Pisces (Neptune and Jupiter) at home here, as the Sun crosses into the sign, Pisces, we are in for a very emotional month.  We may not understand the nuances of our feelings, but we need faith in life and peace of mind to proceed without confusion.   Venus and Mars are Conjunct in Capricorn, while being Sextile Neptune and Trine the Moon.  We need health breaks this month to harmonize with nature through being outdoors or listening to music.  Pluto, Moon, and North Node of the Moon form a Grand Trine in earth; effort brings tangible results.  Jupiter Sextile Uranus promises success if we overcome fear and deal adequately with our given duties.


The Weeks 

From the 1st to the 6th “Practice makes perfect” as we wake to new opportunities supplied by a shift in circumstances. We need to be careful about what we say.  Potency is conveyed. Wrapping our arms around the most essential ingredients in every situation is not only necessary, but deeply gratifying.

From the 7th to the 13th even hard work and correct analysis is not enough. To achieve success, we need patience and tolerance with ourselves and with others.  When we are sure that we have something important to share, we still have to go the “second mile” by test driving our new idea and method.  It is important to remember why we do what we do.  Is it for family, country, or just an expression of a semi-conscious habit? Loving and looking up is always good.

From the 14th to the 20th after traveling the well worn path, we get a break.  This is both in our professional life and in our private affairs.  The doctor orders a little detachment and some light- hearted relaxation.  A short mental vacation gives a reset; our perspective changes.  Harmony comes by finding a daily rhythm that is unique to our personal life. 

From the 21st to the 28th aiming high is not a mistake.  Both fact and fantasy have a role to play; we move forward by knowing which is which.  Insights may be brilliant but unstable.  Having a concept prove itself over and over again is a waste of time; so is taking the first occurrence as proof of validity.  Even though we can go swimming by ourselves, it is more fun if others join us.


The Days 

1st – Tuesday –  The New Moon is on February 1st at 12:45 AM EST on the12th degree of Aquarius. – It is meaningful to set down some intentions for the month, and to take a look at what can be done on our own, and what requires others.  We have been given, and have created, what we really need. Implementation of common sense strategies provides us with material results that keep us going on into a distant future.

2nd – Wednesday – We have the interest, energy, and opportunity to take some important steps in our key relationships.  Yes, there can be improvement in our existing life, but new people keep showing up.  Soak up the good feelings and pass them on.  Love grows when it is shared. 

3rd – Thursday –  Sun Parallel Venus, Mercury turns Direct –  Gentle persuasion carries more weight than brash actions.  Cooperation is fruitful, but there is a secret gift that opens for us when we just help others without thought of return payment.

4th – Friday –  Mars Sextile Jupiter, Sun Conjunct Saturn – We can accomplish much in a short sequence of events.  Self- knowledge and real detachment help us see what right-sizing is about.  We need to harvest as much wheat as we can, but quit soon enough to get home before dark. 

5th – Saturday –  Lighting the torch can be a celebration, but also illuminates our way going forward.  Embracing all that life has to give means concentrating on what we have, and not worrying about the future.  There is a semi-permeable membrane separating us which seems to be punctured.   We end up knowing things that were hidden. The downside is that we can suffer from an over- active imagination.

6th – Sunday –  A day of decisions; can we take a step in the right direction without losing our balance?  New information will arrive soon.  Making mistakes is okay, but taking ourselves too seriously, or lashing out in anger, can burn bridges that could help us.  Even people who disagree with us have something to say. 

7th – Monday –  Even moving in slow motion can be beneficial to our lives if we share our intimate feelings with our loved ones.  Impulsive actions can be alright, provided we are headed in the right direction.  Good intentions are necessary, but not sufficient to carry us where we want to go.  Getting good and useful information comes, but requires some unorthodox research. 

8th – Tuesday – Mars Trine Uranus, Sun Contra-parallel Uranus – With a purpose, we can plow the earth.  Innovation comes naturally in the motions applied for accomplishing the tasks at hand. Even simple routines can spark a new enthusiasm.  If we grab hold of the essence of the moment, we can be shaken to our core. 

9th – Wednesday –  A little extra oomph is necessary to get through the day.  Adventure approaches and we need to address the world around us.  Are new opportunities a distraction, an omen, or just frills to be ignored?  Mental acuity makes our work time interesting.

10th – Thursday –  Sun Semi-sextile Neptune, Venus Parallel Saturn –  Inspiration is there, and now we must believe in ourselves and be willing to do the work necessary to bring our dreams into the collective world where others can enjoy what we are doing and have accomplished. 

11th – Friday – Mercury Conjunct Pluto – Digging deep into one area of life can achieve wonders.  Playful energies are best commissioned for a later time.  Even though we may have a central focus on something we are working on, we don’t need to ignore everyone else.  Most important, we need to be unafraid to share what we are doing. Fear is the enemy. 

12th – Saturday –  Really listening to others can bring us into a deeper commitment.  Emotional understanding is different than intellectual comprehension.  Messages, even nonverbal communication, do not have to be merely informational, nor flirting.  Something new can happen.

13th – Sunday – Integration of personal life with family life builds a stronger foundation.  Life is an adventure; we don’t have to go into outer space, nor do we need to be stuck in the living room rearranging the furniture; we can have fun going the middle way. 

14th – Monday – Mercury enters Aquarius – Between duty and recreation there is a pause.  Tension builds but can be released by changing activities.  Detachment frees our minds to enjoy life to its fullest.  Real freedom comes by completing our tasks without taking on more responsibilities.

15th – Tuesday – Sun Semi-sextile Pluto – Do we hang on to what we have, or release it to make way for something new?  Actually, our life changes if we have the foresight, and the will, to stay focused on what we must do to innovate.  Nervousness comes when we rush to fulfill other people’s imagined expectations. Joy comes when we take ourselves, our situation, and life as a whole less seriously.

16th – Wednesday – Venus Conjunct Mars, the Full Moon is at 11:57 AM EST on 27 degrees and 59 minutes of Aquarius/Leo –   Love can be expressed in the most tangible forms.  Giving gifts that show our feelings carry more weight than words.  Kindness and respect for others is a motivation to render service.  It’s time to shift to something new.  Leading by example doesn’t bring about changes in others, but when our motivation is pure our behavior raises our own consciousness.

17th – Thursday – Mars Semi-sextile Saturn, Venus Semi-sextile Saturn, Jupiter Sextile Uranus – Bravery only carries us so far.  We need active intelligence to sort out the possibilities from the territory in front of us.  Today is more than a byproduct of the past.  If we know what to ask for (and how much) the horn of plenty blesses us.  This is a lucky moment for those who can recognize it. 

18th – Friday – Sun enters Pisces at 11:44 AM EST – To have faith in life sounds easy.  It is not.  However, when we genuinely trust, so much help is present we move forward quickly.  It may look like we are going backwards as the territory appears to rely on things we thought we were done with, i.e., stereotyping, fossil fuel, racial and gender bias. In fact, we are really moving forward and the past is really gone. 

19th – Saturday –  Practical details of daily living can be infused and confused with what is really important.  Getting back to basics sparks the joy in life.  We can easily slip into worry riding on the sled of a value system we discarded long ago.  Doing our best and then “giving the fruits of our labor to the Lord” is sufficient. 

20th – Sunday – When we surrender the expectation that acts of kindness will be returned, we are free to live from higher principles merely for their own sake.  If we are off saving the world, we come home to a house that still needs the floors swept and dishes put away.  Loving others is fine and good, but we need to love ourselves.

21st – Monday – Mercury Semi-square Neptune – Emotional energy is the currency of the moment, but we don’t have to be gushy in order to participate in the goodness of the day.  Silent reflection and honesty are more important than a grand display of affection.  An overload of facts can lead us to wrong conclusions.  When something is important, relax and decide tomorrow.

22nd – Tuesday –  The right music can lift our spirits, change our vibration, and tune us into the finer things of life.  Packing our bags, preparing others for change, and generally taking care of personal matters is to be in step with the Divine. 

23rd – Wednesday –  Mars Parallel Pluto, Mars Sextile Neptune, Jupiter Semi-square Pluto –  Power, vitality, insight are with us.  If we are relatively attuned to the direction of cosmic circumstances, following our hunches to the end of the rainbow is not only beneficial, but fun.  If on the other hand, we feel upset by the weather, world conditions, or other people’s actions, a better strategy may be to sit back and watch others have a go at life, and save our energy for another day.

24th – Thursday – Venus Sextile Neptune, Mercury Square Uranus –  An open heart can pierce the veil of worldly illusions.  Art projects can get our hands involved in the creation of beauty.  Mental life may not be particularly stable and we can get lost in a hall of mirrors. We are only in trouble if we lose our temper.  Thinking well of others is freeing. 

25th – Friday – We find it hard to keep enthusiastic when the project in front of us looks bigger than we can manage.  Letting others help is good, but not always an option.  Things go smoother if we keep moving and do the most important things first.  We are constructing a new foundation.

26th – Saturday –  Mercury Semi-sextile Jupiter –  A higher vision of truth inspires us.  Sleeping virtues wake up.  Head, heart, and hand can work together if we are willing to spend the time to get all parts of ourselves on the same page.  This is not a drill, this is life. 

27th – Sunday –   Letting our instincts tell us what is important is the beginning of aligning our actions with where our efforts will really matter.  Staying on a well-trod path is more beneficial than innovating.  Help comes if we demonstrate through time that we are willing and capable of completing our responsibilities solo. 

28th – Monday –  It is preparation time.  We have our harvest gathered in; we have taken the necessary steps for our next adventure.  Look, plan, dream, but we need to wait.  This is a good day to rest and count our blessings.  We have a lot to be grateful for. 

Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material. Call him at 239-261-2840 or by e-mail at Visit our website,


My Personal Note 

Today is January 31st 2022.  This is the anniversary of Meher Baba dropping His physical body.  There were times in the past when I was in India for a celebration on this day called Amartithi.  Other times I have hosted events in my home.  This year I connected with others on this date through the Internet.  Katie is at school and I am here with Teddy.  We will both keep silence between Noon and 12:15 PM EST.  This is our personal commemoration. 

We are not completely immune to winter in Naples; there was ice on my windshield, ice under our feet as Teddy and I walked in the woods.  A frost of white covering lay across the grass.  I’ve lived here since August of 1981 and I don’t remember ever seeing this before. 

Link for Q&A from January:  We explored the possibilities for all of 2022.  The February Q & A will be on the 13th at 1 PM EST.  Submit questions and email for a link if you wish to attend. 

All the computers seem to be working.  We replaced our printer.  I have always used HP printers since the beginning.  But due to Katie’s research, we got an Epson printer.  Yes, it was purchased on a good day.  It was a find.  The ink will cost us $55 every two years, as opposed to that much every month with HP. 

Susan Quinn and Judy Luther are giving me valuable insights as they edit my book.  Hopefully this round of editing will be complete by the end of February. 

“They Shall Inherit the Earth,” is a book that made a big impression on me. The author, John Dear, is a Catholic priest, long time climate activist, and an apostle of non-violence. While I enjoyed reading the book (it’s an easy read), he reminded me that we often repeat words that we don’t match our actions.  Do we really believe what we say we do?  If so, are we living an authentic life?  For me, translating belief into behavior has been the goal of this life.  The last 7 years I’ve taken as a personal time of transformation, to bring this closer to a reality in my own life.  Do any one of you readers have this dilemma between espoused beliefs and actions?  If so, I would like to hear from you.  Maybe we can be support for each other. 

So I was getting ready to take Teddy for a walk and getting my umbrella out and changing clothes.  Then I looked at the weather app on my iPhone, it said, “Rain stops in 8 minutes”.   We have so much technology now that makes our lives simpler.  At the same time, have we grown much emotionally?  Have we become kinder? 

“Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.”
― John Wesley

 Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material.  Call him at 239-261-2840 or by e-mail at Visit our website,