The Astrology Company: April 2022 by Bob MulliganApril 2022By Bob Mulligan(a personal note is at the end of the newsletter)
April Highlights April has two New Moons: one on the first day of the month, and the second on the last day. The second is an Eclipse. This promises to offset the month as a unique event and we will look back on April as being a profound turning point in human history. Mars Conjuncts Saturn on the 4th then Parallels Saturn on the 6th. It may seem that the slowing down of momentum is a bad thing, but it does provide a moment for reflection. This will be very uncomfortable for some. Venus enters Pisces and Jupiter Semi-sextiles Saturn on the 5th. We see an early flowering of the technological breakthroughs promised two years ago at the time of the Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction. Collectively, we have an emotional response to the downside of this expanse. This is a reminder that our heart and wisdom must expand to keep abreast of our electronic world. Mercury enters Taurus on the 10th and is preparing the way for a rapid turn of events a week later. Jupiter Parallels Neptune on the 11th, then Conjuncts Neptune on the 12th. This completes a 13-year cycle and starts us on a more compassionate and idealistic path. Jupiter and Neptune are the two rulers of Pisces. Even though there are other more belligerent influences, we actually do have the opportunity now to raise our level of awareness and build a better world. Mars enters Pisces on the 14th and will deflate some of the bellicose expectations of people living in the old mindset. Slowly Mars will add strength to our higher vision of a more promising future. Mercury Sextiles Venus, then Conjuncts Uranus, this is followed by Venus Sextile Uranus straddling the 17th and 18th. Flashes of insight can alter the world situation; this happens within the limitations of the bigger troubles and excitements of our time. Each of us can tune into the intuitive side of our nature, and know just what turn of mind will help us out of our current situation. Mercury enters Gemini on the 29th and our mind will soar into uncharted territory. We have been project-oriented and trapped by the logic of environmental circumstances; this is a breath of fresh air. The New Moon The New Moon is on April 1st at 2:24 AM EDT at 11 degrees and 30 minutes of Aries. Mars (ruler of the New Moon) is Conjunct Saturn in his own Sign of Aquarius. Mercury is Conjunct this New Moon in Aries, so we are wound-up and raring to go, but where? All substantive directions are fraught with some incredible risks. Jupiter is closing in on his Conjunction to Neptune in the sign Pisces (which they both rule). This promises some big happenings, but the expanded lines of thoughts can foster unrealistic expectations. Pluto in Capricorn is Trine the North Node of the Moon in Taurus, pushing us to be practical. Individually and collectively we progress by being patient and calm. We have to act, but this month will require both measured steps, and the ability to put the blinders on, and just jump. Having faith in life, in God, and in our selves can carry us across the great divide. The Full Moon The Full Moon on the 16th is on 26 degrees 45 minutes of Aries/Libra at 2:54 PM EDT. Pluto is at the base of a T-Square with the New Moon. All three (Sun/Moon/Pluto) are in Cardinal Signs (activity); physical changes in global circumstances will keep us all glued to information about Mother Earth. Mercury (messenger of the gods) Conjunct Uranus in Taurus (earth); the pair is Sextile to Venus (ruler of Taurus) – this is not just pleasant conversation, we will see action coming from words. Lofty ideals will make an imprint on actions with Mars, and three other deities in Pisces; the Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction is Sextile to Pluto; this combination provides guiding influence over world events. It is a miracle that we don’t destroy ourselves. The Sun enters Taurus On the 19th the Sun enters Taurus at 10:25 PM EDT. Taurus is the sign of consolidation. All planets are below the horizon in Washington, D.C. at this time. This adds to the taciturn nature of the public mood. The Moon (public) is Square Venus and the MC; the general public is nervous and moody most of this Solar Month. Our desire for adventure confronts our fear of putting anything we really value at risk. Mercury is Conjunct both Uranus and the North Node of the Moon; all three are Trine the MC, all are in earth signs (practical and tangible). We want to see material results for our efforts. This also promises that news arrives at lightning speed from great distances. Saturn is in Aquarius Square the Nodes (dharma). We can suffer from indecision: should I work alone? Is this thing I’m doing really my responsibility? Four planets in Earth and four in Water show a conservative bent, with a desire to wait and see throughout this Solar Month. However, this will not be possible; we are prompted to act many times when we would prefer to stand still. Neptune/Jupiter (lofty expansion) rules everything in the chart; their Conjunction is an all pervasive influence. The New Moon The second New Moon in April is a Solar Eclipse, occurring April 30th at 4:27 AM EDT on the 10th degree of Taurus. Many world leaders have this Eclipse prominent in their charts. We will all be affected directly and personally. The fact that things will develop swiftly and dramatically is shown in the Eclipse chart by Uranus (abrupt and spontaneous) being Conjunct Sun and Moon; Mars, in close Sextile, acts as an accelerator. Venus (ruler of Taurus) is in her exaltation (Pisces) applying to the Conjunction of Jupiter (in his rulership). This whole pattern becomes activated for some higher purpose by Mercury (information) in Gemini (his rulership) being Trine Pluto (life and death) and Sextile the three planets at the end of Pisces (Neptune/Venus/Jupiter). We will see a flashing light at the end of the tunnel. There is a way out of the current situation; we just have to believe and act in accordance with our higher self. The Weeks From the 1st through the 3rd we are truly energized, but there is a feeling that we must get as much done as soon as possible. An underlying apprehension propels us forward, and the environment reacts putting many dormant circumstances into motion. Intuition is finely tuned yet our action can cut against the grain of ordinary logic and leave us mystified. Acting is necessary. From the 4th through the 10th recalibration of every aspect of life is controlled by the flow of information. How we get along with each other, and our ability to treat each other with respect, will help us find common ground in our humanity. Every person is precious; we can find ways for all of us to exist. From the 11th through the 17th our rate of change slows down even as our expectations on life expand. Are we living in reality or just an elaborate fantasy? It is too late to turn back the clock; avoiding the inevitable will not soften the impact of external circumstances. Life is a grand adventure and this can be a thrilling part of the journey. From the 18th through the 24th diplomacy can smooth the way in front of us. Challenges emerge when we lose patience. To take a few steps forward, wait, and then move forward again can be a great strategy. Even people who are much younger, or those who are much older, have something relevant to our situation. It is most important to be patient, and to listen. From the 25th through the 30th it’s time to relax and enjoy life. There are finer aspects of life beyond our personal projects. Being part of something larger than our own life can lift us beyond the destruction created by our imprisoning desires. Regardless of our position in the orchestra, we each have an instrument to play. The Days 1st – Friday – The New Moon is at 2:24 AM EDT at 11 degrees and 30 minutes of Aries, Mercury Semi-square Venus – It is really time to start fresh. Even when we are in the midst of routines that seem destined to keep going on a path of their own, we need to take an expanded look at our lives and decide– what leads to freedom? What makes us happy? Then, just do it. 2nd – Saturday – Sun Semi-sextile Uranus, Mercury Semi-sextile Uranus, Mercury Contra-parallel Jupiter, Sun Conjunct Mercury – To think before acting is great if our hesitation doesn’t stop us from acting at all. Even a step in the wrong direction has a virtue. External circumstances may slow us down, but we don’t want to get in our own way. Courageous acts improve the collective good. 3rd – Sunday – We may be in a hurry and others don’t seem to keep up. Serendipitous intervention in our life plans by outside forces, or other people, are bringing us important facts. It is an emotional test to remain calm when others are losing their cool. Life is pleasurable when we don’t try to control the roller coaster. 4th – Monday – Venus Semi-sextile Pluto, Mars Contra-parallel Uranus, Sun Parallel Mercury, Mars Semi-sextile Jupiter, Mars Conjunct Saturn – What is most important now is to keep moving. This may be, and probably should include at least, physical motion or exercise. In close personal relationships, some steps toward cooperation can be made if we ask more of ourselves than we do of our partner. Give freely or not at all; obligating another will come back to haunt later. 5th – Tuesday – Venus enters Pisces, Jupiter Semi-sextile Saturn – When we have faith in life, faith in each other will follow. It may seem accursedly slow, but culturally, the world is turning the corner and a brighter future is coming. 6th – Wednesday – Mars Parallel Saturn, Mars Semi-sextile Neptune – When we stay within the guardrails, we can see how to release our creative impulses most productively. Postponing our own projects and responsibilities to help others can serve two purposes: we gain the joy of helping, and we get some distance from our own life. Both of these provide a wider perspective. 7th – Thursday – Mercury Sextile Saturn, Mercury Semi-sextile Jupiter, Mercury Semi-sextile Neptune – Flashes of insight take form. Recording ideas as they occur is a powerful treasure trove for later. We can’t do everything we think about at once, but we can store up instructions for the future and take preliminary steps now. 8th – Friday – Mercury Sextile Mars, Mercury Contra-parallel Venus – Creativity and congeniality punctuate every productive conversation. Our differences surface as we try to go about our everyday tasks. We each have to take some bold step to stay relevant. We can have different points of view, but we must at least agree on what is important. 9th – Saturday – Our emotions can move us to make promises that we can’t keep. Still, it is not always possible to just tend our own garden. Opinions about each other’s life choices force their way in to discourse. Words spoken in hast can have a lasting effect. 10th – Sunday – Mercury Square Pluto, Mercury enters Taurus – Offhanded comments can get us into trouble. Sparks generated by inner conflict may actually light the way. If we stay focused on practical results, our efforts are not wasted, even if others misunderstand what we are doing. 11th – Monday – Jupiter Parallel Neptune – Great expectations lift our feet off the ground. However, we need to find our footing to accomplish much. We vacillate between excitement and nervousness and even life’s most basic tasks seem to be infused with new energy. 12th – Tuesday – Jupiter Conjunct Neptune, Mercury Contra-parallel Mars, Sun Sextile Saturn – We are on a roll. Even when we are enjoying the fun, the most practical aspects of life continue to exert an influence. To know when we have enough and just stop is a blessing; simply knowing when we are full stops us from getting indigestion, but also raises self-awareness. 13th – Wednesday – Mars Semi-sextile Pluto, Sun Semi-sextile Neptune – We are at a balance point; “man does not live by bread alone” and yet, bread is a necessary component to life. Transcendental and material aspects of existence need to be integrated. Holding onto both, stops us from being swept away. Abundance is such a collective force that it must be used wisely. The extremes of gluttony and abstinence can carry us in the wrong direction. Mental control is real control. 14th – Thursday – Sun Semi-sextile Jupiter, Mercury Contra-parallel Saturn, Mars enters Pisces – Enthusiasm is infectious. As long as our mind is clear and our expectations are realistic we are on solid ground. Help comes from within. If we stay sober this is a wonderful time for self-discovery; we can render real service to those who need our help. 15th – Friday – Mercury Parallel Uranus, Mercury Semi-square Neptune, Mercury Semi-square Jupiter – Another new idea can emerge before we have fulfilled our immediate adventure. To pace ourselves is a virtue. Letting go of some things can mean making room for something new. At the same time, we don’t want to sell the family farm a week before harvest. 16th – Saturday – The Full Moon is on 26 degrees 45 minutes of Aries/Libra at 2:54 PM EDT, Mercury Sextile Venus – We have reached a crescendo. For the last week we have been in a dance with people important to us. This is mirroring our inner conflict between self and others. The basic rhythm of the universe says that self-assertion must come first; however, self-disclosure is necessary for any real healing. Some big decisions are made and put into motion. 17th – Sunday – There is at least one person in our life that, shall we say, is problematic. These people are a wakeup call. It is time to listen and gain a worthwhile insight. This may be transitory or a new permanent fixture in our lives. In either case, today we have an opportunity to transform and stay calm. 18th – Monday – Mercury Conjunct Uranus, Venus Sextile Uranus, Sun Square Pluto – It is time to let go of something that has been with us but now holds us back. It is easy to become addicted to a substance, person, feeling, a possession without even noticing until it is suddenly gone. When we are proactive, a blast of new awareness carries us far. 19th – Tuesday – Sun Contra-parallel Mars, Sun enters Taurus – We are in a hurry, trying to complete something we have been working on for awhile. Is it important? Having our values well sorted out makes it possible to shape our priorities going forward. The reason we are letting go of some things is so we can be empty and receive; and what we are given now is worth hanging onto. 20th – Wednesday – Practical considerations are favored and will dominate the thinking of movers and shakers. Grounding our ideals and making tangible plans to satisfy our wanderlust is the winning ticket. It is more potent to utilize what we already have than to ask for more stuff. Gratitude is the natural response to current life situations. 21st – Thursday – Moderation in all things, as the saying goes. The slow pace of development is punctuated with a sonic boom every now and then. Uncertainty hangs over the world and over civilization itself. Very basic routines can be comforting. Real responsibilities are there and need to be addressed. 22nd – Friday – It is a time of resting. We are so wired to focus on the next task, it is difficult to take our eye off the ball aimed at our next goal. We feel that we must press forward, but we need this pregnant pause. It is very useful to have contact with the natural world, forest, sea, or gardens. Take in the beauty of creation; make the time. 23rd – Saturday – The next step in mental life, and in our personal affairs, is to compromise. Learn something new by listening to others. Getting clarity means accommodating the reality of how other people’s decisions impact our own lives. The trajectory of history has left us with a pack of collective habits that caused the pandemic, climate change, and war. Each of us can do something now to alter the direction we are going. 24th – Sunday – Mercury Square Saturn, Mercury Sextile Neptune – Hard work and diligent effort advances our cause. Wishful thinking can be a backdrop of planning, if we are willing to take a hard look at what has to happen next. Self-reliance promotes conscious actions. Others join us, as they are on the same path. 25th – Monday – Many plans we have entertained in the last few years seem crazy, but may contain a kernel of truth. This confusing day can make sense, if we take stock of our life purpose, clearly define our mission, and practice patience with ourselves and others. 26th – Tuesday – There is someone special in our life; time spent with them is refreshing. It is a time to dream and letting our imagination sore to new heights. This is not however, a good time to make commitments or grand pronouncements. Getting sufficient rest is productive in its own way. 27th – Wednesday – Mercury Sextile Jupiter, Venus Semi-sextile Saturn, Venus Conjunct Neptune, Venus Parallel Neptune, Mercury Contra-parallel Pluto – Analysis has its place; it will certainly have something to say with our actions today. However, the heart knows best. Information without passion will not benefit us or the world around us. It is a beautiful day; is it “pearls before swine” or do we see the value of what is being offered? 28th – Thursday – Mercury Trine Pluto, Sun Contra-parallel Saturn – Keeping our central focus on exactly what we are doing makes work go faster and our job more enjoyable. Later when we are taking an inventory, we will notice that some things we have been hoarding just dropped away. Acquiring what we need is easy and natural, if we keep moving forward; we have just lightened our load. 29th – Friday – Pluto turns Retrograde, Mercury enters Gemini – The spirit of the moment is confused because we are pulled in several directions. Hard facts are uncomfortable, but have a way of getting us back on task. We find time for amusement after work is done. Time spent in deep meditation will be most rewarding. 30th – Saturday – The New Moon on April 30th is at 4:27 AM EDT on the 10th degree of Taurus. This is a Solar Eclipse, Venus Conjunct Jupiter – Containing our excitement can be quite a task. When we see our goal, we are inspired. Our natural response is to put our all into the striving. Imagination and practicality work together. Mental agility guides us through uncharted waters and eventually we swim to dry land, rewarded for our efforts. A leap forward is in order and arrives. Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material. Call him at 239-261-2840 or by e-mail at Visit our website,
My Personal Note Alan Oken died. I woke up early, as always, on March 5th and had an email from my good friend, Aswin. He had the news that Alan had passed away. He was a close friend and my spiritual brother. His contribution to astrology is tremendous. A few years back I was asked to write a book review of his work, “Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology”. It was published in “Celestial Vibes” and is available on my website if you would care to read it, The Astrology Company : Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology. Just before Alan contracted Covid, which was to take his life in just a few days, he sent me an email with a glowing compliment, after starting to read my new book. I treasure his memory, our bond of friendship, and his legacy. If you missed the last Question and Answer session on March 20th, here is the link to view Astrology and the War in Ukraine: Our next Q & A will be on April 10th at 1 PM EDT. Submit questions and email me for the link. I’ve been buried in news from the war in Ukraine. Although I would not wish this immense hatred and destruction on the world or anyone in it, there is always something good and transformative that happens when we are forced to face who we really are, what we are really doing. We must be our better selves and transform into the people we can be. What sacrifices are we prepared to make for the benefit of others? How much of our own resources are we willing to give to help others through this time of crisis? Of the many news videos on the situation in Ukraine, I was particularly taken by the interview of captured Russian soldiers. Most of it is in Russian with English subtitles. There were many foreign journalist present who all asked good questions. This will not of course be broadcast in Russia, but you can see it: Press conference of Russian pilots shot down in the sky of Ukraine – YouTube On April 5th at 7:30 PM EDT we have our first meeting to share experiences and discuss the book, “They Will Inherent the Earth” by John Dear. My interest in this book prompted me to think on the breakdown between what we say we believe and what we actually do. I thought that some of us like-minded people could discuss one or more chapters a week. We will meet on Zoom. If you asked me for a link and didn’t receive it, ask again. This discussion group is free. Call me if you would like to join in. Because this is a full participation group with real personal sharing, it will not be recorded or shared outside the group. If you haven’t read the book yet, you can get it quickly from Amazon. “Sympathy can be turned on or off depending on how another person is categorized.” ~Page 358 in Steven Pinker’s book “The Better Angels of our Nature”
Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material. Call him at 239-261-2840 or by e-mail at Visit our web site,