The Astrology Company: May 2024 by Bob MulliganMay 2024By Bob Mulligan(a personal note is at the end of the newsletter)
May Highlights After a fairly turbulent April it seems that we desire (and deserve) a little peace. However, right at the beginning of the month, many of the safety valves that have kept the most stressful situations in the realm of tolerable, one by one disappear. We are on a runaway train, but the train is still on the tracks. Mars enters Aries on April 30th Mars returning to his sign of rulership lights a fire under everything that we do, as Mars is the ultimate controller of all energy. Mars will be in Aries until the 9th of June so the whole month of May has the extra sparkle of direct, impulsive, and forceful self-assured assertion. Pluto turns Retrograde on the 2nd Holding onto what we have is very limiting. It’s a better use of our energy to help others achieve their goals. The race is much more important than winning or losing. The process is more important than the end result. Saturn Semi-square Pluto on the 6th Higher forces are at work, and running against the force of the wind will leave us exhausted. Nature’s tempo is speeding up, but our instincts are to slow down. Being in tune with the will of the cosmos seems difficult, but we are happiest if we keep trying to decode the meaning of the era we are in. Mercury into Taurus on the 15th Our thoughts and communications become more deliberate; we are anxious to get things done, but our body and temperament need rest. We have done what we could do and now we must wait. Venus moves into Gemini on the 23rd, right after Conjuncting Jupiter and Sextiling Neptune. Also today, Jupiter completes his Sextile to Neptune. A Full Moon in Sagittarius is sandwiched between the Venusian aspects and the goddess of love entering Gemini. The call of the wild meets the reality of what we have left in our wake. Opportunities abound and a new portal is opening. Jupiter goes into Gemini on the 25th This ushers in a year full of possibilities for learning, traveling, and sharing our insights. Think before you speak. “Read before you think.” – Fran Lebowitz The New Moon The New Moon is at 11:21 PM EDT on May 7th on the 18th degree of Taurus, and Conjunct Uranus. There is tremendous staying power, and we will accomplish much during the next month. Choosing our goals is important; once we are on the road, it will be hard to change directions. Mars Sextile Pluto supplies the energy to keep us moving. Because Venus is in Taurus, Mars in Aries, and Neptune in Pisces (all in their own signs), our urges are strong and will sometime conflict with each other. The North Node of the Moon, Mars, and Mercury are in Aries showing we have determination to get our message across. In Washington, D.C., Mercury is Opposite the MC (authority). Voices will not be silenced. Neptune is Square the Ascendant on the 29th degree of Sagittarius. Jupiter, the ruler of the Ascendant (the public), is applying to a Sextile to Neptune. This will be completed at the time of the Full Moon, showing that all this disruption will come to a pleasant resolution. The Sun enters Gemini The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th at 9:01 AM EDT. Even though the Gemini month is about gathering more information, with four planets in Taurus (one of them the ruler of Gemini), we are still looking back, prisoners of our past. However, with the Sun Trine a Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, an abundance of fresh energy will help us make sense of our situation, even without creating any recognizable order. Also Sun is Sextile Neptune which is Conjunct the MC in Washington, D.C. This suggests we will receive inspiration from people in authority. Neptune is on the 29th degree of his own sign, Pisces, suggesting that we are promised better things to come. Sun is translating the Jupiter Sextile Neptune, which although dreamy and fanciful, points to our higher truths which we indeed know to be true. In D.C., Saturn is Trine the Ascendant from the 9th house showing that legislative action is coming slowly, but will manifest a positive agenda. Mars Conjunct the North Node of the Moon and is Square the Ascendant; people have strong opinions and are willing to act on them, violently. The Moon in Libra is the only planet below the horizon. One meaning of this is that the general public feels isolated from the realm of government decision-making. However, the Contra-parallel to Mercury and the Quincunx to Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter promises everyone is paying attention, and better days are coming. The Full Moon The Full Moon is on May 23rd at 9:53 AM EDT on 2 degrees 55 minutes of Gemini/Sagittarius. This is a time of integrating our newly acquired information with our values. Pluto and Neptune Trine and Sextile the Sun and Moon; this speeds up the process internationally, and can also do this for each of us if we are willing to become flexible enough to see the truth beyond our history. Venus and Jupiter in Taurus are Conjunct the Sun and Opposite the Moon. This shows practicality anchors us as the turbulence of Mars Conjunct the North Node of the Moon in hard aspect to the Full Moon inflames us. Energy is good, anger is counter-productive. The Weeks From the 1st to the 5th comfort comes at a cost, but is necessary. We can’t help but rev the engine, but we are not engaging the gears because it isn’t time to move forward. Thoughts jump to and fro, but our mind serves us best if we can relax it, and just touch the ground with our hands to stay calm. From the 6th to the 12th things that seemed so important yesterday seem completely unimportant now. First impressions are correct if they are based on genuine perceptions. Separating the useful from the not useful in our past helps plot the journey forward. The weather, friendships, commitments seems unreliable. If we live by our word, we help others. From the 13th to the 19th with nerves on edge and excitement created by the risk and opportunity ahead, life may seem like it is moving too fast for us to get a handle on it. Still, this is a week of exploding options. If we are sour or scared, life is no fun. We can make something new happen; we can participate in something larger than our own life. Sometimes purity of character emerges by going through the extruder. From the 20th to the 26th luck is with us, but our minds are changing. What was important a month ago is not on top of the list now. What happened, what’s different? Our external options have broadened and some significant barriers have collapsed. Regardless of our attention, or state of mind, the internal landscape has reified. We are in the process of making the possible, actual. From the 27th to the 31st optimism, expansiveness, and adventure pull us out of fog. Integrating the experiences from the last couple of weeks helps us gain a new perspective. An energized sense of life’s purpose allows us to go deeper. With courage and effort, every aspect of life improves. The Days 1st – Wednesday – Venus Square Pluto, Jupiter Parallel Uranus – Echoes of days past provide reflection, but also grist for the mill. We aren’t passive recipients of thought waves. We are active participants in rapid changes in our own world, but also in the larger global atmosphere. Choices we make have an effect on others beyond what we see at the moment. To be our better self is to do our part. 2nd – Thursday – Pluto turns Retrograde – Our impulse is to be proactive. After all, there are things to be done. If we don’t do what is needed, who will? Still, at some core level, we see the future effects of our actions out of the corner of our eye. Balance between our immediate self-interest and other people’s needs seem out of reach. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. 3rd – Friday – Mars Sextile Pluto – Right sizing is the tone of the day. We are energized and can take some major steps forward. The future looks different than what we were expecting. Channeling our energy in the most practical way is to follow the path of least resistance. And magically, this turns out to be a new exploration. 4th – Saturday – Checking our reflection on other people, and the environment in general, gives us perspective. We can be confused, but we can also tune into the higher meaning of our lives. Insight comes later, now is for drinking in the cosmic glory of the moment. 5th – Sunday – Exuberance powers our steps. Is our enthusiasm justified? The pensive aura of yesterday has evaporated. What we confront today is both unexplored territory, and renewed interest in our given work. Lingering resentments and wounded memories can keep our energy from being fully engaged. Self-reflection has its place, but doubt works against us; let’s face it, the world is hard enough without getting in our own way. 6th – Monday – Saturn Semi-square Pluto – The trick is to do something significant without destroying important props for other people’s adventures. If it seems that there is more free floating anxiety than the norm, it isn’t your imagination. Being centered is the only way to avoid contributing to the disruption of the moment. It feels like revolution; only cool heads can prevent chaos. 7th – Tuesday – Sun Sextile Saturn, the New Moon is at 11:21 PM EDT on the 18th degree of Taurus – Slow as molasses, we are in motion again, and productively so. Past experiences give guardrails without preventing us from charting a new course. Strange as it seems, the heart and mind can come together for a common cause; without a purpose to unite them they continue on dual tracks. 8th – Wednesday – Seeing opportunity and moving forward is exhilarating. What a trap we fall into when we ask, “What’s in it for me?” The only way to really win is to serve others. The flood drowns us when we are weighed down by our possessions. What we freely give away comes back. 9th – Thursday – Mercury Semi-sextile Uranus, Mars Contra-parallel Neptune – Someone or something is tapping us on the shoulder. Interruptions are a doorway to saving time, money, and energy. Starting a project seems a lot more fun than finishing what we put in motion. Rewards come by being inclusive. And yes, don’t sell the family farm a week before harvest. 10th – Friday – Mercury Contra-parallel Saturn, Mars Semi-square Uranus, Venus Semi-square Neptune – Actions can be out of step with beliefs. This is not helpful. When we transgress, backing up and rectifying purifies our intentions. Powerful feelings and forceful ideals can take root in us and do great harm. But these same impressions can heal many injustices in the world. “Lord make me an instrument of your peace.” 11th – Saturday – We are trapped in a cage of our own habits. But some of these habits have made us safe, kept us loving, taught us the form which became the road to our essence. So how can we move beyond our self-created entrapment? We need to let go of the things that we maintain as habits after the essence is gone. It’s time to relinquish the form. 12th – Sunday – Sun Parallel Uranus – We are given one last chance to see into our higher destiny. If we truly want a better life, it will unfold in front of us over the next week. All we need is to be determined to tread the path of truth. The pavement is uneven, and we can feel that we are lost in the funhouse; embracing the new and unfamiliar is ok because we can’t go back, only forward. 13th – Monday – Mercury Semi-sextile Jupiter, Sun Conjunct Uranus, Venus Sextile Saturn – Picking the low hanging fruit tunes us in to the day’s adventure. Extraordinary occurrences surface in the course of doing what we always do. We get a jolt. The rhythm of the day is trochaic – Eventually we see what is going on. Efforts are rewarded at the end of the week. 14th – Tuesday – Sun Parallel Jupiter, Mercury Semi-sextile Neptune – To be content with what we have and what we are is a great gift. A good use of time is to let others know that you appreciate them. Self-acceptance leads to peace of mind, and opens the door to self-improvement. 15th – Wednesday – Mercury enters Taurus – Sometimes the early bird doesn’t get the worm. There is a difference between being complacent and being timely. We don’t need to be at the corner a half an hour before the bus arrives, a minute or two will do. If we don’t want to get caught in the rain, we should synchronize with the weather report. Tune in, turn on, and then become involved. 16th – Thursday – It is easy to get sidetracked and fuss over things that we can’t change. Demarcating our territory, our circle of influence, allows us to see where our energy and effort will matter. In this time of reflection, it is important to remember that what we think, say, and do really does make a difference. 17th – Friday – Mercury Square Pluto, Mars Semi-square Jupiter, Mercury Semi-square Saturn – Our personal plan may seem upended by circumstances beyond our control. People universally are engaged, activated, and motivated to bring change. Of course we can become deaf and blind to the misery and injustice in the world, but that doesn’t help us or anyone else. How to distribute the wealth without killing the goose that lays the golden egg? 18th – Saturday – Venus Conjunct Uranus, Sun Conjunct Jupiter – Ride the wave; take a giant step forward. No matter how much time we spend measuring, there is no rational security, we must just take the leap. Blessings are with us, self-confidence and faith work hand in glove. To be sustainable, our world fantasy of progress has to include everyone, or success is short-lived. 19th – Sunday – Venus Parallel Uranus, Sun Sextile Neptune – Excitement emerges from rechanneled conflict. Health issues and personal finance are intrinsically connected. Although there are world circumstances that seem beyond our periphery, we are invested in them regardless. We have the answers to the immediate pressing questions; we just have to listen and be willing to act on faith. 20th – Monday – The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th at 9:01 AM EDT – Breaking free should feel uplifting, but the world outside of the prison walls can be intimidating. Also, it is hard to choose a direction when our mind is encumbered by past habits. We think in abstractions, but conversation is centered on material concerns. If we are traveling with others, they should be consulted about possible destinations. 21st – Tuesday – Sun Semi-square Mars – If we follow our impulses, there will be friction, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. We must advocate for what we really want; at the same time it behooves us to recognize that we are standing on “Acres of Diamonds”. A bird in the hand is not worth two in the bush, if we need the exercise. Well informed and conscious choices teach. 22nd – Wednesday – Venus Parallel Jupiter, Sun Trine Pluto – It’s a propitious day to broadcast ideas to a larger audience. A proclivity for being all talk and no action is mediated by physical activities. Practice is more important than theory, but great adventures begin internally before they see the light of day. Conversation on common ground clarifies and motivates. 23rd – Thursday – Venus Conjunct Jupiter, Venus Sextile Neptune, the Full Moon is at 9:53 AM EDT on 2 degrees 55 minutes of Gemini/Sagittarius, Venus enters Gemini, Jupiter Sextile Neptune – Grandiose visions of life circumstances are not necessarily off the mark. We can harvest, but we don’t want to pick the fruit tree clean. This is a time to gather, but we need to remember what we take we have to carry. There is more joy in intelligently giving things away than in taking. We want to leave the smorgasbord satisfied, not sick from overeating. 24th – Friday – Mars Semi-sextile Saturn – The universe is saying no to something we want. Thank God. Right in front of us is a more profitable path, one that is more meaningfully tailored to our needs and talents. The farthest flung ideas are enchanting and will actually cash out favorably, if we have the stones to follow our dreams to the end of the rainbow. 25th – Saturday – Mars Contra-parallel Saturn, Venus Trine Pluto, Mercury Semi-square Neptune, Jupiter enters Gemini – We bump into the guardrails a few times in the process of “following our bliss,” but this is all part of the process. We are closing down one shop and preparing to open another. The process is more important than the product at the moment. It won’t always be this way, but secondary values are shifting; permanent ones are still in place. 26th – Sunday – Staying on task means taking time to deescalate, relax, calibrate for the next round of exertion. Read, listen to news, and exchange ideas with a friend. Being on time doesn’t mean being obsessive. We can share when we are in sync with likeminded individuals. Take a break from electronic media. 27th – Monday – Mercury Sextile Saturn – When we face the music, we learn something. Don’t give up. Our dreams are precious. Sill we must recognize, God can snow harder than we can shovel. Getting in tune with the divine plan doesn’t require us to learn to play a different instrument; we just have to find our assigned seat in the orchestra. 28th – Tuesday – Our sense of self gets a boost as we allow our more progressive adventurist nature to shine. We need a dream catcher to capture the brilliant ideas that come to us. We go fishing and the fish jump into the boat. Friendships don’t need material applications to be real; however, giving tangible gifts to people we care about helps. 29th – Wednesday – Venus Semi-square Mars – We all have a masculine and feminine side to our personality. We understand our partners better when we see in them aspects of our own makeup. For that matter, when we allow our repressed gender-specific characteristics to emerge without judgment, we get a more comprehensive picture of the meaning of our own role in life. This is one small step to reduce abuse on the planet. 30th – Thursday – Mercury Semi-sextile Mars – We have something to say that can shake others. It is best to send up a “trial balloon” and see what the collective atmosphere looks like. At the same time, we must be true to ourselves. Being diplomatic doesn’t mean to become obsequious. Strength and understanding go hand in hand. 31st – Friday – Mercury Conjunct Uranus – Revolutionary understanding can be expressed in a non-confrontational manner. Embracing new insights is necessary to personal, professional, and social improvement. A dreamy mixture of fantasy, determination, and surprise colors every aspect of our interactions and perceptions. We need to welcome the changes that we can’t stop or alter. Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material. Call him at 239-261-2840 or e-mail him at Visit our website,
My Personal Note On the 8th of April we had an Eclipse; about two hours later I had a spill and got some cuts and bruises. But by now, I’m mostly healed. There is a learning curve to paying attention to our body in a different way as we age. I use bamboo paper towels. They are soft and work just like regular paper towels, but they are reusable. When they get dirty, I put them in the laundry with my clothes and they come out of the dryer fresh and ready to use again. Recycling, technological innovation, legislation, changes in eating and lifestyles all help, but we know that it will be a change in consciousness that will finally bring about a change in values, attitudes, and collective behavior. We all have responsibilities: for ourselves, family, job, country. But until our vision of self includes everyone and everything, we can’t help but be in endless strife. Without greed we could eliminate all material shortage. Without anger we would have no war. Without lust we could have a real family of humanity. We can take care of these matters in our own life; we are the ingredients that compose the cake of civilization. Memory is a tricky thing. In the summer of 1971, I was working in a book store. My mother had become interested in Charles Laurence Dunbar (one of the first influential Black poets in American literature). I ordered a hard cover copy of his book of poems, “Candle Lightin’ Time”. Much to my surprise, when it came, it was a first edition. I gave it to my mom. She would read poems to me at night when I got home. About 25 years later, she told me that she had never read any of his poems and never owned a copy of his poetry. She had developed Alzheimer’s disease. My daughter, Katie, shared this very short story with me which has become a meaningful favorite, Dinosaur | By Bruce Holland Rogers | Issue 367 | The Sun Magazine I have forgotten events, misconstrued details of events; I have had clients tell me a story and in my notes from past sessions that I took contemporaneously, they have differed in the retelling of an event on critical facts. All this is becoming more important in a time of deep fake photos, videos, and news stories. I’ve come to the conclusion in my own thinking that the best we can do is to treat others with courtesy, kindness, and humility. In one vaster sense, everyone is doing the best that they can. Each human being is an entire universe. We tend toward short attention span commitments and shy away from things that keep us focused in one direction and topic. This is a measurable fact- Writing in cursive stimulates more parts of the brains than typing on a keyboard. The brain of modern humans is changing. ‘Popcorn brain’ explained — how social media can ruin attention spans ( I love to read; sometimes I read something that is truly inspiring or just exceedingly well-written. So I would like to send an email to the author. Some famous people make this easy (Steven King for instance); some people make it impossible, or at least beyond my capabilities. My friend, Kathleen Burt, sent me, “When the Stars Align” by Ray Grasse. I couldn’t find an email for him anywhere. The CEO of “Mother Jones” writes an intelligent, honest, and engaging article “to our Readers” at the beginning of every issue. I would love to tell her how much I enjoy her editor’s prelude on the first page of each edition. No email in the magazine or on the website. Oh well. Every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM, many local followers of Meher Baba gather on the Meher Center to have Arti (prayers and songs). During this hour and a half time, many people offer songs of praise for the divine. Sometimes the songs are so moving I try to find them on the internet. Usually this is disappointing because what I heard sung live by friends, are more potent than the many recorded versions on the Internet. My friends, Jamie and Danene, sang a duet that was so beautiful that I wanted to share it with you. Many famous people have covered this song through the years, and none captured the essence the way my friends did. Here is a version which was the best I could find. There is a Balm in Gilead | Fountainview Academy | Help in Daily Living ( One of my heroes sang a few songs at a festival in Germany a few years back; it was recorded and I thought you might enjoy it. Suzanne Vega – The Queen And The Soldier ( A friend of mine, Cindy Lowe, sang songs that she wrote and they were put on video. This 2 minute clip was posted on YouTube which was extracted from an 18 minute video. Meher Baba’s Grace ( “When love is present, the path to truth is joyous.” – Meher Baba Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material. Call him at 239-261-2840 or e-mail him at Visit our website, |