The Astrology Company: August 2024 by Bob MulliganAugust 2024 By Bob Mulligan (a personal note is at the end of the newsletter)
August Highlights On the 4th, Venus enters Virgo with Stationary Mercury. This is just a few hours after the New Moon. We have an opportunity to examine our need to love, and our wish to be of service. Without a contribution to society, we can feel lost. Love is infinite and forever; its’ expressions are temporal, and evaporate unless we share. Mercury turns Retrograde on the 5th, and goes Direct on the 28th. In the process of examining the things that go wrong, we find out things about ourselves. This is three weeks that start with examining the world, and ends with an interior climax. On the 7th, Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Pluto brings the shine of luck to our activities. To see what is truly worth studying is to use this time productively. On the 10th, Mars Parallels Jupiter and comes to Conjunction on the 14th. On the 12th, Mars is Sesquiquadrate Pluto. This outlines a four day period where the rocket fuel is high octane. On the 15th, Mercury Retrogrades back into Leo, and initiates a three week period of self-analysis. Key public figures come under close scrutiny on the world stage. On the 16th, Mars Square Saturn ends a week of runaway growth. There is a pause which will provide a more sedentary outlook next week. On the 19th, Jupiter Square Saturn encourages the expanse started at the time of the Conjunction in December 2020. Our will to innovate will be tested. On the 29th, Venus enters Libra and ushers in a 25 day period where it is easier to establish relationships based on equality. The New Moon The New Moon on the 12th degree of Leo on August 4th occurs at 7:13 AM EDT. The New Moon in Leo is always a time of consolidation (fixed) of our sense of self (fire). This year the New Moon is Sextile the Mars/Jupiter Conjunction in Gemini. Mars is desire, Jupiter is ritual, Gemini is communication. Mars and Jupiter are ruled by Stationary Mercury in Virgo; the world is on fire with a flood of information. Because Mercury (reason) is fairly close to Venus (the heart), we have the option of making sure that we are kind to others and faithful to our own higher standard of behavior. This will get clearer and easier throughout the month because we practice. Venus (our love nature) is working overtime; she is Quincunx both Neptune and Pluto and is the focal point of a Yod; and she either expresses our most potent emotions or just goes numb. Our sensitivities are greatly influenced by forces outside of our direct control. Venus is triggered into motion by her Square to Uranus (god of sudden change); we are destined to express our feelings in a new way all month. This will be transformative. Our effect on others is the proving ground. What brings peace and harmony? What needs to be transformed? We assert; if no one is listening, we need to be the listener. The Full Moon The Full Moon on the 19th is on the 27th degree of Leo/Aquarius at 2:25 PM EDT. The Full Moon is usually a time of completion and letting go. Uranus is at the base of a T-square with the Sun and Moon. Change comes, not by choice or initiative, but because circumstances dictate it. The trigger is Neptune at 29 Pisces. Cardinal planets initiate; just like at the New Moon, there are no Cardinal planets at the Full Moon. This is a time of finishing, not starting. On December 21st, 2020 Jupiter Conjuncted Saturn at zero Aquarius. Pluto sits there now. Jupiter in Gemini is applying to the Square of Saturn in Pisces. We juggle the nervous pieces of life’s complications; we are forced by circumstances to take a stand on what we have done in the past. This is the final cap on changes already put in place. The Moon separates from the Opposition to Retrograde Mercury. We can get an audience or we can be in one. It’s time to connect, correct, clarify, and participate on common ground. The Sun enters Virgo The Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd at 10:56 AM EDT. This is traditionally a month of refinement. This year doesn’t disappoint because Mercury (ruler of Virgo) is Retrograde in Leo (ego); we are given a month to improve. The Moon in Aries is Conjunct the North Node showing the gift goes to the impulsive. Mars is Square Venus, both ruled by Retrograde Mercury in Leo. Mercury is Sextile Mars; we can work our way through many problems by talking. Communication pays big dividends when we freely admit our own shortcomings, and don’t hold ourselves, or others, to impossible standards. The Weeks From the 1st to the 4th it’s hard to tell what stays and what goes. Being in a hurry seems to be the order of the moment, but for our activity, where are we going? What are we accomplishing? Time enough is left to finish the things that should have been completed already. We can enter the next chapter. From the 5th to the 11th there’s a strange duality. We are trying to gather all the details of life and make sense of our personal situation. However, the more we know, the less we seem to understand. While we try to live our life in the concrete reality of day to day happenings, the larger abstract poetry of the universe upsets our rhythm; frustration confuses an overstressed mind; admitting our limitations allows us to relax and actually accomplish much. From the 12th to the 18th self-reliance is the key to progress. It’s easy to forget how much we are responsible for. It isn’t just that others are counting us; we have obligations to society, the universe, and to our most personal self. An explosion of information has to be channeled productively, or not. In either case, we feel responsible. From the 19th to the 25th it’s time to get granular. What is stuck to our shoes shows exactly where we have been and what we have walked in. Do we have the courage to face our lives honestly without judgment? Small, even microscopic steps bring us closer to our destiny and self-understanding. There are no mistakes except to not even try. Any steps are better than to be frozen in fear. From the 26th to the 31st even a little donation is worthwhile. It is easy to procrastinate, but we must move in harmony with our lives. Thinking that we will get to it later when we have more time, more money, more energy is self-negating behavior. The revolution is at our door; we must choose and get involved. The Days 1st – Thursday – An enlightened day with lots of physical activity. Optimism is with us and a feeling of everything being more or less ok. Yes, there are troubles in the world, but this is an island of calm and assurance. 2nd – Friday – Venus Square Uranus – We have created our own moment of awakening. Now, is this just momentary inspiration or an envoy welcoming us into a new energizing way to live? It’s time. 3rd – Saturday – In the process of making changes, we run into obstacles. If we can back away from any need to own the situations developing, we can be a real progressive force in our own lives. Good things come to us if we have patience. 4th – Sunday – The New Moon on the 12th degree of Leo is at 7:13 AM EDT, Venus Quincunx Neptune, Mercury Contra-parallel Saturn, Venus enters Virgo – In our desire to create harmony, we get a chance to reexamine our methods. We are starting a new cycle and it is really possible to enter a period of intensive self-correction. We change the world by changing ourselves. 5th – Monday – Mercury turns Retrograde, Venus Quincunx Pluto – We may know exactly what we want to do next but stumble on methodology. The big picture may seem confusing and painfully out of reach, but the next steps are obvious. Details matter. Making corrections in the material world reveals our mental state, just like journaling sometimes clarifies what we are really thinking. 6th – Tuesday – Sun Sesquiquadrate Neptune – Reinvigorated dreams provide guidance. If we are frustrated, our neighbors can help reduce internal friction. It isn’t important to engage with those who reinforce our prejudices, nor is it helpful to confront opponents. Expanding our understanding of life, society, and our own aspirations comes by listening to alternative viewpoints without anger. 7th – Wednesday – Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Pluto, Sun Sextile Jupiter, Mercury Conjunct Venus – Opportunity is everywhere and the world is changing rapidly. The central question for each of us is how big a piece is for us, and what pie are we cutting into. Starting with the most obvious circumstances in our physical environment, we can clear the deck. 8th – Thursday – Getting tied up in minutia, or dreaming about a vacation that we never take, are a sign of disconnection from reality or indecision. To remember what our mission, our goal is about becomes paramount. We may see more than we are able to embrace, but that is not an excuse for doing nothing. We are called upon. There is a big difference between responding and reacting. 9th – Friday – Taking all the information in front of us and packaging it is time consuming but necessary. If we are at a smorgasbord we know when to stop eating; this is not so easy with raw data; there is a difference between facts and our interpretation of them. The best advice for this interactive day is to share, but tend our own garden. 10th – Saturday – Sun Quincunx Saturn – Mars Parallel Jupiter – Is it ours or does it belong to someone else? This is an easy question if we keep our eyes on the ultimate destiny. Trivia and an urge for harmony at all costs get in the way of necessary ground clearing. Too much stuff has accumulated again; it’s time to simplify and chill. 11th – Sunday – Just organizing our material space can be grounding. This can be the magic key for taking charge of our lives. We don’t always have will power, but we can still exercise “won’t power”. Avoiding bad outcomes doesn’t mean ignoring the world, just refusing to participate in what we know is wrong helps make a better world. 12th – Monday – Mars Sesquiquadrate Pluto – Words matter. Impulse control can prohibit angry sentiments from becoming violent actions. Acts of frustration can leave a path of blood in its wake when we give up the idea that we can convince others of our desired outcome. There are more authentic paths which give a higher return on our investment of energy. 13th – Tuesday – Other people in our orb usher a jolt to our perceptions. Relaxing and having fun can help us integrate the new notions that come to us sideways. We can follow the next step by looking at the piano keys in front of us. If we are tuned in, the melody of the cosmos speaks. 14th – Wednesday – Mercury Contra-parallel Saturn, Mars Conjunct Jupiter, Mercury Retrogrades back into Leo – Real progress comes if we narrow our focus and work toward our most important goal. There are concerns in the world; there are problems politically, domestic and foreign; the environment is an ever pressing issue. Now, what is our job? 15th – Thursday – Mercury Quincunx Neptune – Overly emotional thoughts can cloud our vision. The antidote is courage and faith in our own future. When we were three years old, we had dreams of what our life would be as an adult; it turned out different. In the same way, our picture of our coming period of life is radically different than what will actually happen when we cash in our chips. 16th – Friday – Mars Square Saturn, Mercury Parallel Venus – We have tasks to perform. If we take joy in what must be done, we eventually obtain liberation. Procedures are already laid out. Now we just have to put in the time. 17th – Saturday – Venus Sesquiquadrate Pluto, Venus Contra-parallel Saturn – Service can be an expression of love. But, even when our actions are a conduit for our feelings, love is its own justification. Life is simpler when we express and take ourselves out of the equation. 18th – Sunday – Mercury Square Uranus, Sun Conjunct Mercury – Brilliant thoughts may have to gestate close to our breast for awhile. When we feel that we have discovered an innovative way to get from one place to another, it is difficult to not share it. Germination is still a long way away from bearing fruit. All of that is true but still, we are taking the next step. 19th – Monday – Venus Square Jupiter, Venus Opposite Saturn, Sun Square Uranus, the Full Moon is on 27 degrees of Leo/Aquarius at 2:25 PM EDT, Jupiter Square Saturn – We know what we like, but are we willing to learn from the environment? Being overly sensitive to criticism and shifts in the atmosphere can have us struggling for stability. It’s best to let go and enjoy the ride. This is a turning point; decisions now have long lasting consequences. 20th – Tuesday – Imagination soars as we try to bring into the tangible world things we only think about. Practice does bring results but we need to be patient and persistent. The good news is that our efforts give us what we wish for if we work and wait. Things that were only available to the elite are copied and now are widely available to all. What does that tell us about our mental wish machine? 21st – Wednesday – Sun Quincunx Neptune – Conflict in relationships point to opportunities for real understanding. We can revise the way we evaluate others. Positive emotions bring healing when shared without expectations. Others teach us even when they are unaware of the gifts they are offering. We can “become the change we wish to see in the world.” 22nd – Thursday – Sun enters Virgo at 10:56 AM EDT, Venus Square Mars – The mind conceives many things we would not actually wish to see materialize. We are destined to execute our first impulses. This is ok, but may require alteration later. Nervous energy needs some expression. It’s all about timing. Change for its own sake will leave us stranded with much wasted effort. Thoughts and feelings pulling in the same direction don’t guarantee success, but does make it possible. 23rd – Friday – Mercury Semi-sextile Venus, Mercury Sextile Mars – We have a unique opportunity to correct some past action. Kind words, and even apologies, can be progressive. They may be only a token down payment. We don’t create peace by demanding everyone think just like us. Channeling our attention toward a positive outcome brings help and a higher grace. 24th – Saturday – Sun Parallel Mercury – The best way to live our life today is to avoid saying anything that we don’t want to be public. The all seeing eye of conscience follows our actions. The mental theater is the wizard behind the screen. For the brave, a new level of honesty is offered. 25th – Sunday – A comfortable and sedentary mindset guides us, but is interrupted by a jolt of outside events. If our pattern of activities integrates the new sudden excitement, the complexion of the day changes remarkably. 26th – Monday – Enough new resources have come to our aid; it’s time to organize. We have everything we need. The entire puzzle is out of the box; assembling the pieces into a coherent whole takes effort and patience. Our job is to believe in our own success and to keep plugging away. 27th – Tuesday – Venus Trine Uranus – New energy comes in handy when we find ourselves competing for a spot on the team. Our aggressive spirit helps us utilize what the good Lord has provided. The Sun is shining and the last details have arrived. We are packing for a trip that we have waited for; and now is our time. 28th – Wednesday – Venus Contra-parallel Neptune, Venus Opposite Neptune, Mercury turns Direct – Check and recheck because simple things go awry. Did we say the right thing and did others hear us correctly? We find a breakdown between our ideas and the methods for obtaining them. Our taste is changing; what was wonderful doesn’t move us anymore. This is a natural consequence of the last three weeks of experience built on the back of a lifetime of experience; it’s called growing up. 29th – Thursday – Venus enters Libra, Venus Trine Pluto – Passion lifts us beyond the confines of our seemingly ordinary existence. A careful eye recognizes beauty in the commonplace. Inspiration to improve our relationships moves us to pay more attention to our personal appearance and home environment. When we feel better about ourselves, life automatically brightens. 30th – Friday – Getting out of our comfort zone gives us a shock, but it’s necessary. Overcoming fear allows us to express qualities that have been bottled up for too long. The difficulties are minor and are part of what makes life interesting. 31st – Saturday – Mars Semi-sextile Uranus – A leap of faith is required to take the next step. We wish to light up the sky, but when the opportunity arrives the jump isn’t so natural. When we switch from the third grade to the fourth grade, it’s all or nothing. Incremental moves don’t get us there. To try to please everyone means nobody will trust us. We need to be honest with ourselves. Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material. Call him at 239-261-2840 or e-mail Visit our website,
My Personal Note Several people contacted me with great concern about events in the world. I asked each one of them if they had watched the video that I suggested in my July newsletter – Watch Power of the Dream | Prime Video ( Even amongst my close friends, very few people had actually made the time to watch it until I twisted their arm. Unfortunately you have to be an Amazon Prime member to see it but you can sign up for a 30 day free trial. Everyone appreciated it after having seen it. Its importance is that it shows the power we have when working for a common cause. What cause is big enough and personal enough to motivate you? This documentary was prologue. I said in my July Newsletter at the time of the Full Moon: July 21st – Sunday – “…Sometimes we have to move on impulse. Whether we feel done, something important has just come to an end. In order to live without regrets, we need to be careful. What are we going to ask for now? Life will give us what we want, we just have to ask.“ Later in the day Joe Biden stepped down and endorsed Kamala Harris for president. It’s a new world. My book, “The Heart of Astrology” is coming out February 15th, 2025. I’m releasing this book at the time of my one day workshop in Ft. Lauderdale for NCGR of Southern Florida. The name of my workshop is “Astrology, Reincarnation, and Karma”. This workshop is based on Chapter 10 of my book and will be in person and also via Zoom for those wanting to stream in from out of town. More information will be in next month’s newsletter. A few weeks ago Katie wanted to go to a movie and suggested we see “Thelma.” That same day I had a call scheduled with my friend, and excellent astrologer, Georgia Stathis. I mentioned the movie to her and she said she really loved it. It is a wonderful movie. I plan on seeing it again as soon as possible. From 1970 to 1974 my spiritual life received a boost. Other than my Master, Meher Baba, there was only one person that pushed me over the finish line. She played an outside role in my spiritual evolution. I had some effect on her evolution as well, for which I’m also grateful. I don’t publicly share much from this period, but I wanted to share one of her songs with you. Judee Sill – The Kiss ( One of my heroes, Martin Mull, passed away June 27th 2024. He was an artist, a painter, but I watched him live a few times as a musician and comedian. He was in so many movies, TV programs and other media; it’s hard to know where to begin. In 1985, he did a two part special on HBO that I have seen many times. It always makes me laugh. Take a look: The History Of White People In America (1985) | Martin Mull Fred Willard ( His first recorded song was in 1970 for a country and western show, “A Girl Named Johnny Cash.” He was always a hoot. Here is a rendering by Jane Morgan: Jane Morgan “A Girl Named Johnny Cash” on The Ed Sullivan Show ( “If first you don’t succeed, then sky diving is definitely not for you.” – Steven Wright
Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material. Call him at 239-261-2840 e-mail Visit our website,