The Astrology Company: February 2025 by Bob Mulligan

February 2025

By Bob Mulligan

(a personal note is at the end of the newsletter)


February Highlights

The month begins with reasoned detachment and hope. As February grinds along, collective emotional anxiety gathers strength.  Even those who feel that everything is going their way are uncertain; what they have created will continue to stir up trouble.  Our global community has reached an existential crisis. We have not seen this in many decades.  February is a teaching moment and hopefully we will all learn. 

Mercury Trines Jupiter on the 3rdGathering of information is crucial as Mercury is very swift, exploratory, but amazingly stable.  Jupiter is moving slow and preparing for a new path, but he is in detriment.  This is a moment when students teach the teacher; something important will change everything over the next month. 

On the 4th, Venus enters Aries and Jupiter turns Direct an hour later.  The more we put our basic precepts forward, the more our heart opens.  For the rest of the month we will have to trust our impulses.  We won’t always choose wisely, but even bad mistakes are instructive.

On the 14th, Mercury goes into Pisces.  What we lose in clarity we gain in inner vision.  We can’t navigate by the stars on a cloudy night, but other subtle signs can keep us on the right trajectory. 

Mars turns Direct on the 23rdTraction becomes more consistent.  The tires of the car are gripping the pavement once again.  We still need caution; testing and reevaluating help us be sure that we are aiming at the right goal.

The Full Moon 

The Full Moon is on the 12th at 8:55 AM EST on the 24th degree of Aquarius/Leo.  As the Sun and Moon Oppose each other, Uranus Squares both of them from Taurus.  These planets form a fixed T-Square; this demands a basic change in attitude; forward motion must be consistent. With Mercury close to the Sun in Aquarius, new ideas will sprout even though it’s a time of release.  The main difficulty that we must accept is that innovative thoughts are a prescription for us alone, and not some license to proselytize.  Others will have their own messages.  Neptune is in his rulership in Pisces Conjunct the North Node of the Moon (Dharma).  We must keep our own focus true, regardless of what others do, or don’t do.  The world is changing; the age of the orcs is ending and we are at the vanguard. 

The Sun enters Pisces 

The Sun enters Pisces on the 18th at 5:08 AM EST.  This will be a very emotional Solar month with six planets in water, and Neptune (ruler of Pisces) Conjunct the North Node of the Moon in Pisces.  Ideals and beliefs are strongly held, but with Mars Trine Saturn, people are willing to work to materialize them. However, with Uranus in Taurus as the only earth in the chart, chances are slim that anything substantive will come forward for all the hoopla.  With the Moon (public) Trine Sun and Mercury – everyone will have a lot to say; potent feelings and opinions are a force behind all expressions. We need to have our thinking cap on before we speak.  Venus in Aries is the only fire planet, and is half way between Jupiter and Pluto being Sextile both. The two goddesses, Moon and Venus, are in difficult signs.  Creating a durable peace requires seeing beyond our prejudices. 

The New Moon 

The New Moon is at 9 degrees of Pisces on the 27th at 7:46 PM EST. The New Moon is Square Jupiter in Gemini.  The emphasis is on expanding, but the Square between Pisces and Gemini is often quite nervous, and with Jupiter in Gemini (his detriment), consistency and cohesion in every activity will be difficult to maintain.  However, even though Venus is in Aries (her detriment), she is Semi-sextile the New Moon and Sextile Jupiter; we will find success in many areas of work and play if we stay single-minded, focused, assertive, and don’t overplay our hand. 

Anytime Mars is Trine Saturn, we have an opportunity to advance, when we stay disciplined and consistent. Further, because Mercury is midway between Saturn (materialization) and Neptune (higher vision) being Conjunct both, we will have opportunities to manifest our dreams. Mercury is quite active; he is Trine Mars (desire) and Sextile Uranus (innovation); we will be more than willing to work for our objectives and to try something new.  We will have ample opportunity to make rapid progress- like a fish changing directions, but continuing on the journey up stream.  This is a bowl-shaped chart, with six mutable and six water planets.  As long as our attention is on finding the truth in every situation, this continues to be a most satisfying month. 

The Weeks 

From the 1st to the 9th we are in a pattern of change from a passive to an active state.  So many things are illusionary, we are easily led to delusional thinking. It’s easy to lose track of what we are really doing.  Following our true passions means first of all, discovering what they are.

From the 10th to the 16th to see the truth is more important than conveying it. It’s more comfortable to be in the audience than on stage.  Ordering the food, eating, and paying the bill happens in quick succession. Instant karma is better than stored liabilities.  Breaking even is better than acquisition. There will be a moment for expanding our frontier in a little bit.

From the 17th to the 23rd we are walking down the mountain, so why does it seem to take more energy than when we were going up?  It’s easier to make mistakes when we erroneously believe we know the territory; it’s easy to be careless while monitoring our progress. Exhaustion is the end result for trying to do too much.  Sometimes a missed opportunity is really a lucky break. 

From 24th to the 28th in quiet inner places, overlooked treasures emerge.  Capturing the essence of life’s valuable offerings allows the gathering of importnt assets, while slowly building momentum for a new journey.

The Days 

1st – Saturday –  Sun Semi-square Venus, Sun Semi-square Neptune, Venus Conjunct Neptune – Finishing projects, creating beauty, finding a cause that captures your heart; these are favored activities.  If rest, meditation, and joyful activities are your interests, you will receive an extra nudge. 

2nd – Sunday –  Planning may seem more akin to daydreaming, but great ideas begin somewhere.  Even a movie or documentary can stimulate some aspect of our private space.  Acting out is ok, even necessary, but today’s gift is incubation. 

3rd – Monday –  Venus Contra-parallel Neptune, Mercury Trine Jupiter –  Second thoughts are not necessarily a bad thing; it’s important to keep moving, regardless of how many times we change our minds.  Vacillation undermines people’s confidence; best to limit the amount of alteration we give ourselves.     

4th – Tuesday – Venus enters Aries, Jupiter turns Direct, Mercury Semi-square Neptune –   Extra energy boosts us as our auxiliary fuel supply comes on line.  Bit by bit less important details fall by the wayside; we are slimming down.  Less assertive people take an uncharacteristic stand, while the current aggregate of energy is more “wait and see.”  The search for peace receives support from unlikely sources. 

5th – Wednesday –  Mercury Contra-parallel Uranus –  Innovation relies on using tools from the past in new ways.  Limited forms of freedom bring unintended consequences. Complaining about circumstances doesn’t change them.  We have to use what we have in order to recognize the joy they bring. 

6th – Thursday – Sun Semi-sextile Saturn –  Rapidly altering plans leaves us dissatisfied. But gradual movement in the environment brings hope that relief will arrive.  Enduring change comes from within.  Having faith that the universe is good, and will supply what we need, is a great adjunct to self-reliance. 

7th – Friday –  Mercury Semi-square Venus, Sun Quincunx Mars, Venus sextile Pluto, Mercury Semi-sextile Saturn, Mercury Quincunx Mars –  The journey through today requires  large amounts of self-assertion.  The truth is we don’t have to “invent the wheel.”  There’s a well-paved road around the thicket in front of us; we can travel on it instead of cutting our way through the jungle with a machete. 

8th – Saturday –  Variety is the blessing of the day.  We can participate in the playfulness with a lighthearted spirit, and still not forget our destination. Help from others comes by books, videos, and earlier messages, and not so much by physical participation. The appearance of angels happens all the time, if we have the eyes to see them. 

9th – Sunday –  Sun Conjunct Mercury, Mars Trine Saturn –  We have a rare opportunity to link right mindfulness and right action.  Even though we may be sure of ourselves, slow consistent effort is more helpful than grit.  Going our own way, and allowing others to go theirs, is the spirit of now. 

10th – Monday –  Mercury Square Uranus –  Compromise.  Someone points out a better way; alteration causes loss of time and much confusion.  Pause for a moment. There is a reason the universe brought us this way.  New information doesn’t have to change the course of history; just maybe it will have some effect on our trajectory.

11th – Tuesday –  Sun Square Uranus –  Have you ever had something stolen from you, only to realize you didn’t need it anyway? Well, we are confronted with loss, but we are happy if we concentrate on what is given in return, even if what we receive is empty space.

12th – Wednesday –  The Full Moon is at 8:55 AM EST on the 24th degree of Aquarius/Leo –  We saw this coming. Our job is to adjust; as we let go of old attitudes, we can take advantage of new opportunities.   People listen, if we have the courage to support conditions we already initiated.  By the same token, we must be open to receiving other’s perceptions. 

13th – Thursday –  Mercury Semi-sextile Neptune, Venus Contra-parallel Saturn –  We may spend the whole day trying to catch up with ourselves.  Our self-sufficiency is there- with no need to speed up, slow down, or alter our rhythm. Getting comfortable requires accepting that things beyond our control, or line of sight, impact on our lives. As long as we have identified and handled our personal responsibilities, we are fine.

14th – Friday –  Mercury enters Pisces –  Too many people are talking all at once. Concentrating on our own projects corners us; left by ourselves, we are unproductive; less than enjoyable moments seem to fill up space.  Just when we feel on the edge of funk, a new dynamic enters.  A key for unlocking the inner door appears.  

15th – Saturday –  Sun Parallel Mercury, Mercury Sesquiquadrate Mars, Mercury Semi-sextile Pluto –  Rapid decisions and quick executions doesn’t mean we have acted rashly.  Subtlety requires a certain amount of relaxed uncertainty.  Independence is necessary to move forward, but this doesn’t require us to get our toe tapping.  Information unfolds and plans unravel. 

16th – Sunday –  Sun Semi-sextile Neptune –  If we are detached, the future is clearly evident.  This is the ironic foreshadowing.  The end is near, which means a new beginning is close at hand.  What we aspire for can be ours, if we are able to embrace our most basic impulse. Universal peace starts with each of us. 

17th – Monday –  Talking to people we don’t know is easy, if we seize opportunities as they arrive.  When we take chances, we brighten someone else’s day, but also lift our own spirit.  It’s one of those moments where being open, when others are shutting down, shines a light pointing toward the truth. 

18th – Tuesday –  The Sun enters Pisces on the 18th at 5:08 AM EST, Venus Semi-square Uranus, Mercury Semi-sextile Venus –  We have something to say, and now is the time to let it be known.  Emotions are strong, passionate, and relentless.  Some projects already in motion haven’t gone as we wish.  Listening to others is a way to get back on track. 

19th – Wednesday –  With dark clouds, thunder and lightning we don’t have to be a weatherman to predict rain. Still, signs and supposition doesn’t mean future fact.  We need to stay tuned to the obvious and at the same time, be prepared to be wrong.

20th – Thursday –  Sun Sesquiquadrate Mars, Mercury Contra-parallel Venus, Mercury Square Jupiter, Sun Semi-sextile Pluto –  Firecrackers break the stillness.  Keeping our composure means either we are deaf, or just completely unconcerned. If we unchain ourselves, our mental horizons expand into distant lands.  Exploration can happen without physically moving.

21st – Friday –  Several paths open, but we already have a direction.  We should stay off of the lake when the ice is thin; this is however, an omen.  Winter will give way to spring earlier than we would expect.  Following up on every new enticement will keep us lost in the fun house, when it is possible to walk straight and be out in the open again.

22nd – Saturday –  Big ideas encourage confidence, and renewed effort does bring results.  Faith in ourselves, and in the inherent goodness of life, is a blessing during these turbulent times.  It’s hard to stay in our own lane when snow on our path obscures our vision.  Slow consistent steps win the race. 

23rd – Sunday – Mercury Trine Mars, Mercury Parallel Saturn, Mars turns Direct, Mercury Semi-square Pluto, Sun Contra-parallel Venus –  How many times have we underestimated our ability, only to find out we missed an opportunity?  We have the insight, the time, and the discipline to take a leap forward. We have the vision, so we have to lead; others will come in time.

24th – Monday – When things don’t go our way, it’s a waste of energy to get mad at inanimate objects in the environment.  Resistance from the world should build strength, not provoke anger.  When offered fifteen good things, the trick is to immediately choose one and run with it. To ponder is to waste the opportunity. 

25th – Tuesday –  Mercury Conjunct Saturn –  To get plenty of rest is to put gas in the tank for the coming journey.  We are shifting gears. Slowing down is a way to accomplish more.  The natural impulse to move quickly depletes our resources. We make more progress by focusing on the big picture, and not getting lost in detail. 

26th – Wednesday –  The urge for freedom and the emotional need for security actually work together. Caution is the watch word.  Dreams are fodder prompting invention; for now, random thoughts gather dust on our shelves, but soon meditation becomes mediation between our outer and inner worlds. 

27th – Thursday –  Mercury Sextile Uranus, the New Moon is at 9 degrees of Pisces at 7:46 PM EST –  The struggle to secure our foundations ratchets up a notch.  For many people, fantasy land looks promising when there is no solid ground to stand on.  However, “let’s pretend” only makes us part of the problem; we have to walk in the direction of real help, even if it seems far away. 

28th – Friday –  Mercury Parallel Neptune, Sun Semi-sextile Venus –  Even the most mundane problems require solutions that are comprehensive. When we advocate for ourselves alone, we get sidetracked and miss the mark.  We can’t achieve fulfillment, or even get what we want, unless we work for the greater good of everyone. 

Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material.  Call him at 239-261-2840 or e-mail  Visit our website,


My Personal Note

My workshop “Astrology, Karma, and Reincarnation” is finally here, February 15th 2025.   This workshop will show you how to transform your life using information easily available in your birth chart.   You can register at:   I’m so looking forward to seeing all my old friends in southern Florida, as well as friends coming from other parts of the country.  I’ve never given this workshop before.  I’m really looking forward to it. 

An introduction to the workshop; Scott Silverman interview: Bob Mulligan- Full Interview – Meet Your Speaker Series

 My book, “The Heart of Astrology on the Spiritual Path” is being released on this day.  Copies will be available at the workshop.  Releasing this book is the last thing I have to accomplish in this lifetime.  It’s been lifetimes in the making and the writing occupied the last 20 years. Amen. 

For a week, there was snow everywhere; five inches.  Katie, Deborah, and I braved the snow, ice, and cold to take several walks.  I normally walk between 6 and 10 miles a day.  For several days I managed much less, but let’s face it, it was invigorating.  If it had lasted more than a week, it wouldn’t have been fun anymore. 

You all know that I have a thing about getting good information, and pointing out disinformation for what it is.  I stumbled on Sharon McMahon, a retired school teacher who has taken it upon herself to explain, in a nonpartisan way, how the US government works.  She started with her podcast, “Here’s Where it Gets Interesting,” and now has more than a million followers on Instagram.  I’ve watched lots of her videos on YouTube and wanted to share what I thought was one of the most important ones.

One-on-One with Sharon McMahon | Christianity Today’s The Bulletin

When I was in high school, I heard Leo Kottke, and this is one of my favorite songs from him during that period:  Leo Kottke – Louise

Here’s a video you might find fun:  10 Year Old Girl from India ROCKS OUT on America’s Got Talent!

Gustavo Gutierrez died October 22, 2024.  He was 96.  In 1971 he wrote A Theology of Liberation.”  This started a movement within the Catholic Church to work for a more equitable balance within society.  He was on the side of the poor and marginalized people.  The movement he fostered was sidelined, and often criticized by the hierarchy of the church, including the pope, until Pope Francis.  Francis invited Gustavo to Rome; this is what the life of Christ is about, caring for the poor.  He was criticized for being a Marxist.  I don’t know from his writing that this is fair criticism, but it’s sure that he was in favor of a more socialist distribution of wealth.  My own belief is that individual and collective greed must leave the human heart if we are ever going to build a society where we really take care of each other. 

At the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, all attempts failed until Martin Luther came along.  He succeeded primarily because he took the side of the landlords and noblemen against the peasants.  How times have changed. 

“Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.”  -Anne Frank


 Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material.  Call him at 239-261-2840 or  e-mail  Visit our website,