Correspondence School

The Mastery of Astrology is a four year comprehensive program leading to professional practice. There are 144 classes, each built on the knowledge of the preceding classes. There are twelve different series of classes with eight classes in each series. Classes are e-mailed one series at a time. There are 96 classes in the core curriculum and 48 intermediate short classes. Prior knowledge of astrology is not needed. Everyone starts classes at the Beginning Level. The four levels of study include all necessary astrological knowledge from the very beginning to having your own, successful practice.

Progress through the classes is up to the individual. Material must be passed at each level before going on to the next. All necessary materials (books, manuscripts, notebooks, CDs, guidebooks, etc.) come with the classes and arrive when you will need them to do the work. At the Advanced Level you will need access to a good library. It is not necessary to own all the materials that you will use. In addition to the materials, the cost of the classes includes personal assistance to each student; help with questions or problems. There are no further costs to you even if you have to retake a test or redo homework.

Entire syllabus available here:

The Mastery of Astrology correspondence course

  • includes all needed materials
  • provides you with assistance by phone, e-mail and regular mail
  • allows you to study at your own pace
  • is presented in PDF format with mp3’s available now through email
  • requires systematic completion of homework, quizzes and comprehensive tests
  • makes available a newsletter and a network of other students to assist you.

The Four Levels of Study are:

1. Beginning: All major techniques of calculating and interpreting a chart are taught in a systemic step by step approach. Students are taken from zero understanding to good comprehension of seeing the temperament and events of people’s lives through their birth chart. In addition to all major natal chart techniques, secondary progressions, solar arc directions, and transits are examined.

2. Intermediate: The focus is on the deeper significance of people’s lives by finding meaning in the basic subdivisions of the zodiac, houses, planets and aspects in a person’s chart. Learn micro-analysis of charts and practice major forecasting techniques using numerous historical examples.

3. Advanced: Learn how to counsel through the process of understanding how the differing components of the self fit together. Extra astrological knowledge and techniques are practiced and a multitude of different systems are studied. Explore the major techniques of astrological counseling, study occult anatomy and look at the use of astrology in spiritual practices.

4. Professional: How to set up a practice and interface with the community are the goals of these classes. Receive help solving particular professional issues.

The entire Beginning level of twenty-four classes costs $750 ($250 for each series of eight classes). A payment of $250 is due at the beginning of each of the three series of classes. If you pay for all three series of classes at once the cost is just $675.

The Intermediate, Advanced, and Professional levels of classes are priced the same as the Beginning level. You can pay for them in three payments of $250 each, or you can save by paying $675 when you first register for a new level of training.

Comments about The Mastery of Astrology correspondence school:

“The material is extremely well-organized, continually revised and updated, and represents a synthetic approach. The tapes are very clearly recorded, and there is extensive support material, including a study guide for each class. The course arrives complete with colored pens, a three-ring binder with illustrations and graphics, and even memory-enhancing incense.”
-The Mountain Astrologer