The Astrology Company: January 2025 by Bob Mulligan

January 2025

By Bob Mulligan

(a personal note is at the end of the newsletter)


The year 2025

The big changes in 2025 are prompted by the three Trans-Saturnian planets moving to new signs, and aspecting each other.

Pluto (lord of the underworld) completed his transition into Aquarius in November.  Change, innovation, discovery, and a sharp break with the past will be at the forefront for the next 20 years.  In 2025, Uranus and Neptune start their transition into Gemini and Aries. Neptune dips into Aries on March 30th, and then backs into Pisces on October 22nd.  This is the preview of sheer intensity of Neptune in the sign of the god of war.  Uranus moves into Gemini on July 7th and retreats into Taurus on November 7th.  The USA was born with Uranus in Gemini, and has been at war every time he returns to Gemini. 2025 will show us the doorway to a new and innovative future, but we only cross through that door next year (2026).  I’ll share more thoughts on the whole year in each newsletter.  Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are the ultimate gods of change; they move the consciousness of the entire planet. 

January Highlights 

On the 3rd Venus enters Pisces and will be here for the rest of the month.  As the evening star, she reminds us that love, beauty, and truth alone bring us to higher consciousness.  

On the 6th a Retrograde Mars re-enters Cancer remaining there until April 17th.   This is a period of learning more passive ways of getting what we want, or even better, learning to relinquish things we think we need.  At best, this can be a time of gaining emotional stability by eliminating the pursuit of dead-end goals.  

On the 8th Mercury enters Capricorn and will be there until the 27th.   If we exercise our perceptual skills and reasoning faculties, we will grasp basic facts and see them for their worth.    

On the 11th the North Node enters Pisces and will be there until the 26th of July 2026.  This 18-month period will encourage us to synthesize all the various parts of our journey.  We can see how all the different ingredients of our lives fit, or not.  This can be a time for letting go of the hard won gains that don’t really fit into our pathway going forward. 

Mercury enters Aquarius on the 27thA mental jolt propels us forward.  By seeing the relative worth of our endeavors, it’s possible to reach a more profound level of detachment.  Even if this is intermittent or fleeting, we are gaining a new vision of life’s possibilities.

Uranus turns Direct on the 30th and starts his slow climb to leave Taurus next July.  This ushers in a six month period of realizing what we have done.  Consequences teach! Now, will we learn? 

There is a slow retreat from fire as Mars leaves Leo, Mercury leaves Sagittarius, and then the North Node abandons Aries.  Fire is energy, enthusiasm, and self-starting initiation. From the 11th of the month onward, we follow the lead of things already in motion.  Still, this will be a most creative time, if we are smart enough to be frugal with our energy.

The Full Moon 

The Full Moon is on the 13th at 2:27 PM EST on the 24th degree of Capricorn/Cancer.  Mars is Conjunct the Moon and Opposite the Sun.  Neptune is Trine Moon/Mars and Sextile Sun.  The situations we are confronted with are very familiar.  However, there is a new spiritual dimension that can help us remember that we don’t have to respond to every challenge.  We can walk away from conflict.  Jupiter is Square the Venus/ Saturn Conjunction encouraging us to honor our commitments while recognizing we are offered more than we could possibly take or digest. Because Mercury in Capricorn is Sesquiquadrate Uranus and Sextile Venus, we can harvest a few nuggets of gold from the blizzard of information.  The North Node is Conjunct Neptune in Pisces.  It is possible to wipe our glasses clean to see where we are going more clearly.

 The Sun enters Aquarius 

The Sun enters Aquarius January 19th at 3:01 PM EST and immediately Conjuncts Pluto.  The promise of innovation over the next solar month is overpowering.  With Venus Conjunct Saturn in Pisces and Sextile Mercury in Capricorn, there is a watchful eye toward what is practical, and what can be turned in a profitable direction.  Mars Sextile to Uranus and Trine Neptune; our energy can get behind any project that promises freedom and adventure. Because the heavens are dominated by air and water signs, going it alone is not much of an option.  The Moon is Trine Jupiter indicating good will comes in many forms, but genuine interest in the needs of others bridges the gap, and will modify our objectives. 

The New Moon 

The New Moon is on January 29th at 7:35 AM EST at 9 degrees 51 minutes of Aquarius in Trine to Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini.  Plans elevate on the wings of great hope for the future.  Our expectations expand on the potency of Mercury Conjunct Pluto.  Saturn, Venus, Neptune, and the North Node of the Moon are together at the end of Pisces. Mars in Trine to this Piscean collection promises fulfillment through a lengthy process of emotional expression.  Getting our feelings out is one thing, turning our energy into long term viability is another.  All planets, except Uranus, are in air (abstract intellect) or water (empathy).  Air and water connect us with each other and with the cosmos. Uranus is in his fall in Taurus, so whatever mischief he creates will likely take a period of time to integrate. 

The Weeks 

From the 1st to the 5th we enter the New Year on a cautious footing; full of expectations, but riddled with uncertainty.  We have become accustomed to serendipitous happenings and unexpected disappointments. The Earth moves and the Sun rises, but not much else seems bankable.  Tiptoeing through the landmines, we seem to have just dodged another bullet.  It gets better. 

From the 6th to the 12th relitigating the past doesn’t bring us closer to truth or to happiness.  Fond memories for days gone by are cluttered with misapprehensions, vague fears, and infantile fantasies.  The way forward is to acknowledge our emotions, while doing our best to keep them in perspective. 

From the 13th to the 19th is a moment in time for utilization, but not acquisition. We are standing on solid ground, even when it may feel squishy.  Though we may feel that we are building castles made of sand, working for security and community brings peace and self-revelation.  The bigger the house we build, the greater the upkeep and responsibility.  Correct proportional adjustments now save us from grief and recrimination later on.

From the 20th to the 26th vindication comes in a quiet inner space through the realization that moods control judgments on current events.  Suffering comes to those that blame other people, or circumstances, for how they feel.  It may sound like common sense, but it certainly isn’t common practice. “To get to the future we have to let go of the past.” 

From the 27th to the 30th revelation comes by reinterpreting cold, unimpeachable facts. Letting go brings intuition and a way forward. Charting a course that breaks with tradition doesn’t have to be some iconoclastic experiment.  We have a shortcut at our disposal. Dorothy could always have clicked her heels together and landed back in Kansas.   

The Days 

1st – Wednesday –  We do have an opportunity to take up the struggle we just left behind.  Tension builds; we can push our own agenda for a price. Every choice made will cost us, regardless of which way we move.  The most important thing is to be at peace with ourselves. 

2nd – Thursday – Sun Quincunx Jupiter, Venus enters Pisces –  Good things come to us without noticeable encouragement.  Ordinary experiences seem a bit brighter and move beyond the common place. We are burdened with a feeling that we are supposed to earn any favors that come to us. Generosity is its own reward, regardless of where we are on the giving or receiving end. 

3rd – Friday –  Mars Opposite Pluto, Mercury Quincunx Uranus, Venus Quincunx Mars –  Problem solving skills are put to a test.  To be ourselves, and yet to participate in a collective enterprise, is a chore; this is an achievable goal.  Communication is fluid and fruitful, if we are tactful in expression and non-confrontational.  Constructive criticism goes a long way, and helps overhaul primary relationships. 

4th – Saturday – Venus Semi-sextile Pluto, Sun Parallel Mercury, Sun Sextile Saturn – Flights of fancy are roped in by the onslaught of practical concerns. The urge to be disciplined is automatic.  Our organizing tools stem from the roots of long practiced habits.  A little bit of stability is sacrificed in order to be inclusive.  We are bringing newfound friends and ideas into our regular rituals.

5th – Sunday –  Some projects we really wanted to see completed.  One last push and we cross the finish line.  Mutual assistance is a natural outcome when we allow others to participate in our tasks. In the final analysis, our vision of personal goals allows us to respect other people’s uniqueness. 

6th – Monday –  Mars turns Retrograde, Mars Sesquiquadrate Saturn, Mercury Square Neptune, Mercury Parallel Pluto –   There’s adventure in front of us.  As soon as we recognize the worth of the path forward, we start moving.  A mountain of details seems overwhelming, unless we separate the needed from the unnecessary. Our energy is limited, and our perspective is not as all encompassing as we would like.  However, we need to move; our efforts are rewarded. Halfway measures are much better than spending time in endless debate.  

7th – Tuesday –  Mercury Quincunx Mars –  Regardless of how dutiful we are, acknowledgement and respect for others is necessary to get very far.  Being kind to others starts by being kind to ourselves.  If we know what we want, one last push might do the trick. 

8th – Wednesday –  Mercury enters Capricorn –  With action in slow motion, we get our feet back on the ground.  Mental capacities that have been dormant spring to life.  If we stay in the present moment, the physical sensations of the environment prompt us to take another look at objects and ideas long since discarded. A cold wind is blowing out of the north; this is a sign that we can let go of an addiction and be free, or alternately, we can suffer by trying to keep holding onto the past. 

9th – Thursday –  Mercury Semi-sextile Pluto –  A narrow focus conflicts with the big ideas we are nurturing.  Our current method is not the only way to achieve our objectives; a variation emerges when we take interruptions as guidance and a blessing. A new pathway leads to tangible results; we just didn’t see it.  This is not a detour; we are on a new route to the same destination.

10th – Friday –  It’s all about timing. Knowing when to jump, rest, and begin again requires paying attention to obvious clues supplied by the universe.  We are supposed to have a good time; this doesn’t mean being irresponsible.  There is a purpose for both work and play; work doesn’t have to lack enjoyment, and play doesn’t have to be mindless.  Two halves of life can blend.

11th – Saturday –  Sun Contra-parallel Jupiter – A boost comes unexpectedly.  When we recognize fantasy as pure imagination, important information is revealed. Every symbol is an omen, now do we know how to interpret them? Our relationship to the larger world hinges on our ability to decipher unscripted messages.  We progress by finding the neutral way between fear and joy.  Bliss will come to us later on. 

12th – Sunday –  Mars Trine Neptune – We all tend to believe what we hear. This puts an extra responsibility on all of us to make sure we are passing along good information.  Idealism is stirring the pot. Poetry, art, music, inspirational videos have a way of lifting our spirits. 

13th – Monday – Sun Trine Uranus, the Full Moon occurs at 2:27 PM EST on the 24th degree of Capricorn/Cancer, Mars Semi-square Jupiter, Mercury Sesquiquadrate Uranus.  Advanced insights lead to productive outcomes if put into immediate action.  Competition and compassion are strange bedfellows.  Energetic responses to events are wonderful, but unless everyone is taken into consideration, brilliant theories are murdered by cruel facts.

14th – Tuesday – Venus Parallel Saturn, Venus Sesquiquadrate Mars, Venus Square Jupiter –  Opening our heart to feel what others are experiencing is the key to improving all relationships.  Self-concern is not the currency in vogue.  Just like climate change, if one person dies it is because we are all going down with the ship, there is no escape pod.  Relationships are like this; without comprehensive improvement, we all suffer. 

15th – Wednesday –  Sun Opposite Mars –  “Can we have our cake and eat it too?” No! We must choose. The best choice is to just give the cake away, bless it, and forget it.  We are at a crossroads, and fighting the same old battles will not help.  Even though we feel confronted by people, circumstances, and forces unseen; the real struggle is within ourselves.  It’s time to give up shadow boxing and take a leap forward. 

16th – Thursday – Mercury Quincunx Jupiter, Sun Sesquiquadrate Jupiter –  Fish are swimming all around us, yet, we can’t seem to get them into our boat.  When priming the pump doesn’t give us water, it’s time to go back to the beginning.  What motivates our generosity? An inflated self-picture can breed a damaging sense of entitlement. This is a time of learning, not teaching.

17th – Friday –  Sun Sextile Neptune –  Gentle beginnings bring  satisfying conclusions.  Meditation can bring harmony between our inner and outer worlds.  To be a passive recipient of the beauty of nature, or that of human invention, helps us appreciate the miracle of creation. Emotional impressions enliven our reasoning faculties. 

18th – Saturday – Venus Conjunct Saturn –  Duty and idealism work hand in glove.  Staying within the guidelines brings happiness and allows love to flourish. It’s so important that we don’t let negative moods or self-diminishing feelings damage our ability to experience the joy of being truly dedicated to a cause.  A reward eventually comes for a job well done. 

19th – Sunday – Mercury Sextile Saturn, Venus Semi-square Pluto, Mercury Sextile Venus, Sun enters Aquarius at 3:01 PM EST – Discipline comes naturally when we love our work. We can easily fall back into a position of overkill if our emotional impulses are scattered. Improvement comes to all forms of communication with practice. We are unlocking the door to a new vision of life.  Optimism and genuine concern for others is the breeding ground for our most productive thoughts. 

20th – Monday –  Sun Semi-square Saturn – Obstacles don’t have to bring frustration. Once we are sure of our goal, sacrifices to achieve them are well worth the investment of energy.  We have to check our timing several times today; it’s possible to lose track or misplan; satisfaction comes by being right on time.

21st – Tuesday –  Sun Conjunct Pluto –  Crafting a way to adapt to a changing environment is tough.  It’s one thing to put away summer clothes and take out winter garments, it’s predictable.  We can adjust our budget and lifestyle to meet the demands of inflation.  But this is different.  It’s obvious we aren’t in Kansas anymore.  In order to be right with ourselves, we need backbone and innovation.

22nd – Wednesday – Finding our happy place may not be so easy.  Contentment comes by accepting personal limitation and doing what we can to help others.  There is a problem of demanding too much from ourselves; this leads to either doing nothing at all, or exhausting ourselves without progress.  Our vision of a good life needs restructuring in order to be entirely satisfying. 

23rd – Thursday – Mars Sextile Uranus, Mercury Parallel Pluto, Mercury Opposite Mars, Mercury Trine Uranus – Searching for the magic bullet is a waste of time.  Forcing our way through difficulties, without reflection, doesn’t help.  Lasting pleasure comes when we use our noggin.  When we move from a class in algebra to a class in geometry, we learn new rules and procedures to get good grades.  The information we need is everywhere; we just have to let it in. 

24th – Friday – World events easily sidetrack us. Tuning into the larger picture of life is exciting and uplifting, if taken in the right spirit. Our personal preferences are unfulfilled, regardless of our religious or political inclinations.  Helping others is potent medicine for the blahs.  We all take our own troubles too seriously. 

25th – Saturday –  Venus Parallel Neptune, Mercury Sesquiquadrate Jupiter, Venus Trine Mars –  If a friend suggests taking in a concert, play, or movie, take them up on it, if possible. Once the wheels are spinning, who knows where we will land?  We don’t have to throw caution to the wind in order to give love a second try.  Peace and harmony come in pairs. 

26th – Sunday –  Mercury Sextile Neptune, Venus Sextile Uranus, Saturn Semi-square Pluto –  Tending our own garden can be enjoyable, entertaining, and revealing.  We enter the same space, follow the same procedures, but it’s different because we have changed. Ideas that were really only fantasies now become real world applications. Ok, some creepy intrusions are there, but they vanish as we redirect our attention to embrace the positive. 

27th – Monday –  Sun Contra-parallel Uranus, Mercury enters Aquarius – There’s an undeniable feeling that something good is going to happen.  We breathe in fresh air and have a new lease on life.  But still, the dishes do need to be washed, and the laundry done and put away.  Ignoring basics of everyday life will slow us down and damage an otherwise great day. Love the lift but still rotate the tires. 

28th – Tuesday – Mercury Contra-parallel Jupiter – Meditation, yoga, journal keeping are all beneficial.  It’s time to get our affairs in order, as the saying goes.  We can’t be born again if we don’t die.  Dying to our old life doesn’t have to mean physical death, but it can mean a transformation of consciousness. Quiet sacrifice means relinquishing the parts of ourselves that are pulling us under water. We rise up to a new life. 

29th – Wednesday – Mercury Conjunct Pluto, Mercury Semi-square Saturn, the New Moon occurs at 7:35 AM EST on 9 degrees 51 minutes of Aquarius –  Ok, we have seen easier days. Hard work, careful analysis, and discipline help us change accordingly.  There are two difficulties now: feeling martyred, or believing that the Titanic hitting an iceberg is just a minor setback.  The challenges we face now are really a gift. 

30th – Thursday –  Uranus turns Direct, Sun Trine Jupiter –  Optimism breeds hope. Positive expectations allow us to view the world from a perspective where solutions are possible.  This is global, but will have a resonant effect in everyone’s personal life.  We can’t please everyone, but we can act in accordance with our belief in the common good. 

31st – Friday –  A spiritual lift is palpable.  The energy released is physical as well as emotional.  Saying “no” to one thing is simultaneously saying “yes” to something else.  We are making choices that have long range significance.  If we are patient, we see the effect of changes we have made over the last month. 

For a personal appointment call 239-261-2840 or e-mail  Visit the website,


My Personal Note

 I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year celebration.   Amongst my five children, two grandchildren, and three siblings, there was much coming and going. 

Regulus Publishing, LTD is publishing “The Heart of Astrology”.   The release date is February 15th 2025 , at the time of  the one- day workshop, “Astrology, Karma, and Reincarnation”.   The sponsoring organization is NCGR South Florida Chapter.  You can attend in person at Nova University in Ft. Lauderdale, or online.  I’ll be there in person and you can submit your birth information if you would like it to be used as an example.   If you are coming in person, please register early so we can get a larger room if needed.   You can register at:  

The talk I gave on November 24th for the “Circle of Friends” here in Myrtle Beach continues to generate interest.  If you weren’t there but are interested, you can catch it online:  Meher Baba and Astrology by Bob Mulligan. 

John Lewis died July 17, 2020. His last statement is voiced by Morgan Freeman:     

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“There comes a point when silence becomes betrayal.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.


Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material.  Call him at 239-261-2840 or e-mail  Visit our website,