January 2018 By Bob Mulligan (a personal note is at the end of the newsletter) If 2017 wasn’t crazy enough for you, then 2018 should be just about right, because things are about to get a lot crazier. People in positions of leadership will be challenged. Some will be leaving the stage. There are violent aspects throughout the year, making it difficult to form alliances or treaties. With Saturn in Capricorn all year and Jupiter in Scorpio until mid November, we should expect the year to be deep, emotional, and trending toward our more conservative and security oriented impulses. However, the waning Square between Uranus and Pluto will be triggered several times; as a consequence, forces of revolution will still have a say as to how things happen. In May, Uranus will leave Aries and begin his seven year journey through Taurus. This becomes a game changing month as several planetary aspects indicate that many long developing technologies will arrive with practical applications to everyday areas of our lives; driverless cars, computer controlled homes, instant communication throughout the world will become commonplace. Oh, yes, the stock market and housing market will take a hit, but recover before the end of the year. I lost two long time colleagues in 2017. We will lose more icons in 2018 as the pressure builds to clear away the remnants of the past. Life and impermanence are inextricably bound together. January 2018 is full of excitement. The first half of the month will be great for starting new projects, generally good for business, and an optimistic mood will reign in the country and the world. With Jupiter in Scorpio Sextile Pluto in Capricorn on the 15th, lots of money will be changing hands. Primarily, rich people will be getting richer. With Mars in Scorpio Conjuncting Jupiter and Sextiling Pluto, there is tremendous personal energy expended by many people to bring about personal gain. The spirit of cooperation and compromise will be in short supply. Still, we find places to grow our consciousness through service to others. We need to make time to nurture our key relationships, especially during the last week of the month. The Full Moon comes on January 1st at 9:24 PM EST on the 11th degree of Capricorn/Cancer. With the Sun Conjunct Pluto and Venus there is tremendous force in everything we do. With both Jupiter and Mars in easy aspect to the Sun and Moon, we exert extra energy in order to bring about our desired end result. The Square from Uranus will continue to “stir the pot” and promises we are in for a wild ride. With Jupiter, Pluto, and the Sun in good aspect until the New Moon, we can make rapid progress; this is a tried and true business combination. New enterprises will be favored for the next two weeks. The New Moon on the 16th is at 9:17 PM EST on 26 degrees and 54 minutes of Capricorn. With six planets in Capricorn (including Saturn, the ruler), practical, organized steps toward our goals are useful. Humility is the key Capricorn virtue; we must know our limitations now. Accurate self appraisal furthers our quest. There will be tremendous passion behind whatever we are doing as Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio are Sextile the New Moon. Uranus Squares the New Moon from Aries, promising that there will be interruptions and spontaneous interventions. We may have a really hard time seeing how we, in any way, create the chaos that periodically appears around us. This can be a great time to practice discretion, dealing intelligently with responsibilities, and letting go of everything where we’re not obligated to be involved. The Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th at 10:10 PM. With the Moon in Pisces Sextile Saturn in Capricorn this next solar month will see the general public slowing waking up to a new reality. The just completed Jupiter Sextile Pluto indicates that projects already in motion will be favored. Mercury’s close Sextile with Neptune promises that escape from fantasy and careful attention to facts make it possible to build a bridge to connect with our higher ideals. The Full Moon Eclipse happens on the 31st on the 11th degree of Aquarius/Leo at 8:27 AM EST. Even though Venus is Conjunct the Sun favoring synthesis, Mercury on the last degree of Capricorn rising before the Sun and an in and out of sign Sextile to Mars, we are in a dilemma. In order to achieve our present goals we must be willing to relinquish something we are holding on to tenaciously. Even though we wish the best for everyone and everything, there are moments where something can’t be fixed; we must bless it and move on. There is tension in the moment but recommitting to our higher beliefs allows us to act in a life affirming manner. My father used to tell me “Remember, every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.” From the 1st to the 7th there is lots of energy and much to be done. The big trick is to find common ground and common cause with others. Secrets come out and this ends up being a colorful week. We can embark on a new adventure with the “wind at our backs”. From the 8th to the 14th layer after layer of information comes to the surface as we try to digest a new set of circumstances. At the same time, this is a great week for promoting our personal messages and connecting with others. From the 15th to the 21st we do best to go slow and take measured steps. Keeping our attention on new projects may be a good way of putting the past behind us. Clearing up old paperwork and getting our environment straightened is a method for becoming more efficient. From the 22nd to the 31st a turn of events in the financial sector can surprise anyone who hasn’t been prudent. This time favors being cautious. It is best to take care of essentials and let the rest go. Both fear and greed tend to be infectious. Being patient has its rewards. 1st – Monday – Mercury Semi-sextile Pluto, the Full Moon is at 9:25 PM on the 11th degree of Capricorn/Cancer – It’s a day of full disclosure; alright maybe half disclosure. How much do you share with others? We all may be feeling some conflict. We want to start the New Year off right; opportunity is in the air; taking a first step can lead to redemption. 2nd – Tuesday – Sun Sextile Neptune, Uranus turns Direct – Reaching for the stars is an expression of our heart’s true desire. Our compassionate nature emerges so strongly that we will need an outlet through some activity. Taking in a live performance or other aesthetic experience is good play therapy. 3rd – Wednesday – Venus Sextile Neptune – We are happiest when we have some romantic or artistic involvement; both love and art can raise our consciousness. Relationship issues are seen in a new light; there may even be a resolution to old misunderstandings. 4th – Thursday – Mercury Parallel Pluto – Telling others what is on our mind is generally a good thing. But now, it is worthwhile to ponder on the deeper meaning of our current experiences. Some information needs to be clarified; also some things are just private and should remain that way. 5th – Friday – Mars Semi-square Saturn, Mars Parallel Jupiter, Sun Parallel Saturn – Enthusiasm is great but our timing can be way off. Slowing down, checking our facts carefully, and taking the pulse of the moment is a good method for finding success. There are some tasks that really need to be completed now; we should do them first. 6th – Saturday – Mercury Trine Uranus, Mars Conjunct Jupiter – The force is with us; inspiration is powerful and we can’t seem to get out the door fast enough. We owe it to ourselves to accomplish as much as possible today. Going it alone is completely ok. Sometimes others have to see what we are doing in order to grasp its significance, which means, get going! 7th – Sunday – Sun Parallel Mercury – Big ideas need grounding to have any affect in our lives. In the process of sharing our thoughts, we may recognize a disconnect in our communication. Support may be out of reach. Clarity comes if first we try out new ideas on our own. 8th – Monday – Sun Sextile Jupiter, Venus Sextile Jupiter, Mercury Parallel Saturn, Mars Sextile Pluto – Good energy and a positive attitude allow us to “tune in” and materialize our plans; there is a lucky confluence of circumstances. When we are enthusiastic, appreciative, and active we motivate others to do the same. We lead by example. 9th – Tuesday – Sun Conjunct Venus, Venus Conjunct Pluto, Sun Conjunct Pluto, Venus Sextile Mars, Mercury Parallel Venus – A great amount of constructive energy is aimed toward positive results. When we seek harmony with ourselves first, we help to achieve the same with our environment. Those in power assert themselves with great confidence. We all have the responsibility to use what influence we have in our own lives for the greater good. 10th – Wednesday – Sun Sextile Mars – Tremendous force for good or ill is surfacing. Sharing our own truth is a milestone in being available to receive a higher truth. Certain things are private, but there are other things that are secret and need to be made public. Maturity is knowing the difference. 11th – Thursday – Mercury enters Capricorn, Venus Parallel Saturn – As long as we are conscious of other’s needs and conscientious in handling our responsibilities there is an easy flow. All our interactions carry tremendous potency; this can be a golden moment for cementing agreements. Last minute interventions can turn the tide dramatically. 12th – Friday – Sun Parallel Pluto – Some situations don’t seem to be reaching a resolution; however, coming up with a new ingredient to add to the mix and a little luck will bring us to a helpful conclusion. Consistent effort and a flexible mental attitude set the tone for success. 13th – Saturday – Mercury Conjunct Saturn, Venus Square Uranus, Mercury Semi-square Jupiter – Confidence is fine, even necessary, but we win by knowing our limits. Exaggeration or self-amplification will mean that winning is only short term. Long range success requires consistent and genuine self-analysis. 14th – Sunday – Sun Square Uranus – Impulsive moves can break up the monotony of the moment but also leave us isolated. Can we find a way to channel our urge for freedom in a constructive way? Or at least, find an expression for our uniqueness that doesn’t destroy the new emerging landscape. There is so much good that is happening now; we should nurture the roots of our new world culture. 15th – Monday – Venus Semi-square Neptune, Venus Parallel Pluto, Jupiter Sextile Pluto – It may take a few tries to get our rhythm. Unfolding circumstances will allow us to get something sweet to happen; we just have to be willing to step forward. Intensity can be a blessing and a curse simultaneously. This is a time for sorting things out; we need to release one thing in order to fully embrace something else. 16th – Tuesday – The New Moon is at 9:18 PM EST on the 26th degree of Capricorn – While plotting a course of action may be easy, actually materializing a new plan will take some tinkering and some time. We want more than is achievable under current circumstances, and at the same time may have to deal with the fear of taking any new steps. By being practical and determined we unlock our future. 17th – Wednesday – Sun Semi-square Neptune, Mars Quincunx Uranus, Venus enters Aquarius – Separating genuine faith from fantasy is a good first step as we embark on a new course of action. Innovation can be most meaningful when we include others in the process. Anger or erratic behavior can set us back. 18th – Thursday – Mercury Semi-square Mars – Being productive now requires involvement and cooperation with many others. A high level of trust is required to move forward. This ability to put faith in others requires us to be truthful with ourselves. A few cross words can slow down, or even end, our search for mutually beneficial goals. 19th – Friday – Mercury Sextile Neptune, Sun enters Aquarius – Even the coldest logic can find vibrancy when we share our ideas with passion and an artful eye focused on true objectives. A nuanced approach to our current situation may mean we need to modify our way of handling details. The way forward is to delegate our burdens, only committing to the things for which we are genuinely responsible. 20th – Saturday – Venus Semi-sextile Saturn – Our heart’s desire to help others can find a tangible expression. Even though we are focusing our attention on our basic foundations, our higher ideals and vision of truth have a way of manifesting. Our empathetic responses to others in need may be carefully measured; we are capable of seeing what is really important to us. 21st – Sunday – Sometimes feeling good is all that is necessary. Feel the love and pass it along. Much can be accomplished today but maybe simply being is all that is needed. It’s ok to just dream. 22nd – Monday – When we embrace other people’s lives and let them matter to us at a really core level, our own lives expand. It is through relationships, at all levels, that we find meaning. Service allows us to avoid self-implosion. 23rd – Tuesday – Sun Semi-sextile Saturn – People from our past can haunt us unless we change the status of our connection. Make a friend from an acquaintance, or a confidant of a coworker. We can “beat our swords into plowshares.” Interruptions may be a call to serve. 24th – Wednesday – Sun Parallel Mars, Mercury Conjunct Pluto, Venus Parallel Mars – Finding our footing now may not be so easy, and here is why. Everyone has a propensity to be at one extreme or another on most issues. We all tend to have one foot in the past and one foot in the future. The present moment seems cloudy and uncertain. Breaking our past self-defeating habits is difficult, but this is the road to salvation. 25th – Thursday – Mercury Sextile Jupiter – We have the wisdom of the ages at our fingertips; we just have to reach out and embrace what we already know is the right thing. Love the light and hold onto the hand of truth regardless of the consequences. You think the immediate past has been nuts, well it is about to get even crazier. 26th – Friday – Mars enters Sagittarius – Having high aspirations but not acting on them is not a sin. Being nervous and indecisive is not a damming mindset. However, we do our best when we don’t make others pay for our conflicted internal state. The world has enough pain, be kind. 27th – Saturday – Venus Semi-sextile Neptune – To let our loving and creative side out does not mean we have to paint a masterpiece, it may mean returning to our roots. Examining where we came from and extrapolating hard won lessons into our current situation can change everything. True adventure is not in a distant land but right in front of us. 28th – Sunday – Sun Parallel Venus, Mercury Square Uranus, Mercury Parallel Saturn – At the emotional level we may feel so good; a magnetic charm is with us and others respond. Mentally we are stirred up and may have some frustration because the essence of our ideas seem so easy yet we may fail to communicate. Connecting with others depends on finding common ground. 29th – Monday – Mercury Semi-square Neptune – We naturally gravitate toward circumstances that evoke our empathy. Emotional healing comes by being direct, but without need for verbal or even intellectual corroboration. Feelings have their own language. 30th – Tuesday – Our energy is strong; we may be painting an inner picture of ourselves in bold colors. We have an easy time completing tasks if we keep a sufficient level of gusto pumping to move us forward. Interruptions are minor but can still give us important information. 31st – Wednesday – The Full Moon Eclipse is at 8:27 AM EST on the 11th degree of Aquarius/Leo, Mercury enters Aquarius, Venus Parallel Jupiter – Think big; large dreams become a reality when we nurture them. We can see the future when we participate in life with an open mind. A secret is close to the surface and ready to pop. Our own private lives can mirror large scale changes in the world. Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material. Call him at 239-261-2840 or by e-mail at bobmulliga@aol.com. Visit our website, www.theastrologycompany.com. Every month I read a fair number of other astrology newsletters. Just as the general news media is full of recaps for 2017 and predictions for 2018, so it is with astrological literature. There is a plethora of information and opinions to keep up with every day, especially at this time of year. A colleague of mine, Rick Levine, wrote a really brilliant article about next year – “2018: Change is Inevitable, Growth is Optional” in the December/January 2018 issue of The Mountain Astrologer. I recommend it because it was reasonable and well thought-out. So much happens every month it is hard to know what is important to share. My friend, Mary Weiss, celebrated her birthday on December 3rd and I joined her at Meher Center to celebrate. It was wonderful to share time with my son and daughter who live there. My two granddaughters were happy to see me and I enjoyed having dinner with them. Time spent in Meher Baba’s House, Lagoon Cabin, and Barn is always uplifting and reconnecting. The NCGR Christmas party at Fernanda Day’s home in Ft. Lauderdale on December 17th was wonderful. I had a chance to visit with so many friends in the astrology community. Even though I decorated for Christmas it was a really quiet day. Katie, Teddy and Mary spent time with me. My health remains a surprise package. My diet keeps getting simpler and simpler; unfortunately so does my exercise routine. I’m actually very grateful for the physical pain I have each day as it helps me stay in my body. There are a few things needing completion, so I’m trying to stay around for a while. Honestly, I wouldn’t be able to maintain my health without the loving support of my daughter, Katie. She is a certified Esoteric Healer Practitioner. We live in a very polarized world and there is so much misinformation that is being put out. Getting at the higher truth, or even the basic facts, requires some digging. Most people only seem to listen to folks that agree with them. This is unfortunate for it prohibits growth. At the changing of the year it is always a good idea to take an inventory. Setting intentions for 2018 has special importance as this is a very dynamic year coming our way. So much is possible in this coming year. Having a well conceived yet flexible plan allows us to embrace 2018 with an open mind and open heart. We are being given an unbelievable opportunity to grow spiritually. This is the only progress that will ultimately matter. So, what does it take to really reorient our lives? Sustained enthusiasm, commitment, and a deep willingness to change; these are the necessary ingredients for 2018. When we want to be a better person, a better astrologer, a better marriage partner, etc., we need these three ingredients. Translating theory into action is simple but not easy. Unless we “walk our talk” there is no forward motion. Let’s all take time to honestly work on ourselves, to enjoy more, to love more, and build a better world. “Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential for success in life – all areas of life. The really good news is that anyone can develop both honesty and integrity.” ― Zig Ziglar |