June 2017 By Bob Mulligan (a personal note is at the end of the newsletter) We may over-indulge and suffer for it, even so, this is a happy month. After several months of difficulties we may see some relief now. June begins with Venus (goddess of love) Conjunct Uranus (lord of freedom) Trining the North Node of the Moon (the path of duty) on the 3rd. We have ample opportunity to make rapid changes and have them stick, as there are many positive supporting aspects continuing on in the month. Mars enters Cancer on the 4th. Our impulsive flashes of insight become more stable now and this can usher in some soul searching. Jupiter turns Direct on the 9th, one hour after the Full Moon, and is in Trine with the Sun and Sextile the Moon. We are on the way toward expanse; optimism abounds. Neptune Retrogrades on the 16th showing that some difficulties and misperceptions are receding in importance. Not that they aren’t still there, they are, and will return to our mass consciousness in a few months. We’ll be better prepared to deal with them in the fall. Mercury joins Mars in Cancer on the 21st. Even though there are some material concerns, this is a time of establishing real security. We profit if we are insightful enough to see what is really in our long term best interest. The Full Moon on the 9th is on the 18th degree of Gemini at 9:09 AM EDT. With Uranus and Jupiter both Trine and Sextile the Sun and Moon, optimism and the spirit of adventure propel us forward. Neptune Squares the Sun and Moon reminding us to check our data and be sure we have our sights set on the right objectives. A Grand Trine in fire between Saturn, Uranus, and the North Node of the Moon shows a balance between innovation and security; sure-footed progress seems likely. The Moon applying to the Conjunction of Saturn forces us to reevaluate our overall values while accessing the big picture to determine what is possible. All things considered this is a golden moment to think in terms of what we really want and to act boldly. The Sun crosses into Cancer on the 21st at 12:24 AM EDT. This is the Summer Solstice. With Mercury Conjunct the Sun from the 29th degree of Gemini while Saturn Opposes them from Sagittarius, we are encouraged to finish long standing projects. The temperament of the time for the next three months will be corralled into something stable by a combination of reasonable self-judgment and enthusiasm. Mars is Trine Neptune and Square Jupiter. This combination shows great optimism and tremendous passion for something. We are encouraged to move forward but to keep our eyes clearly focused on how our actions can possibly affect others. We need to include everyone in our plans. The New Moon on the 23rd at 10:30 PM EDT is on the 2nd degree of Cancer. With the New Moon Conjunct Mercury and Mars, we are looking to take care of things in our immediate environment while securing a place of comfort for our family and close associates. Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto form a T-Square showing a great urge to strike out in search of our next project by any means necessary. However, this forward thrust is tempered by Venus and Neptune being in harmonious aspects to the Mars/Pluto Opposition while forming a Yod to Jupiter. This series of aspects encourages us to shun violence in thought and action. Also, we are given a way to raise the discourse and vibration of the moment to something that is constructive, harmonious, and beautiful. It is a fiery and active month in front of us, but with ample opportunity to obtain a new pattern of relationships through seeking the common good. From the 1st to the 4th we reach a fever pitch of excitement, and with luck, this turns into a new perspective on life. Many new friends can be made and all relationships can improve with a little care and concern for others. From the 5th to the 11th an artistic and peaceful feeling can help us quell the insatiable drive to gather and integrate new information. This is a time of both drilling deeper into our own nature and exploring new options in our lives. From the 12th to the 18th some mental acumen is needed to navigate the distance between our vision and our actuality. Patience and discipline can carry us forward toward our current goals. We may be prompted by circumstances to jettison some project in deference to the obvious necessary requirements of the moment. From the 19th to the 25th we are offered opportunities to increase both our creative and our mental projects as new information floods in from many sources. Taking the time to integrate sounds good but is hard to achieve when we feel pressured by lack of time to complete everything. Aligning head and heart is the answer to the problems which require simplification. Not everything has to be done now. From the 26th to the 30th we grow by responding to the muse of the moment. We need to get back to our basic impulses which align with our ultimate purpose. Thinking long term is the best strategy for building plans going forward. 1st – Thursday – Venus Trine Saturn – This is the calm before the storm. Steadying our aim allows us to see what is really important. Some good needs to be set aside so we can concentrate on those things that are truly excellent. Important things in our lives demand attention. 2nd – Friday – Sun Semi-square Uranus – Erratic emotions can disrupt our plans but we grow by being spontaneous. Irritation of the moment comes from self imposed pressure. If we can relax, much can be accomplished quickly. We need attention to details without creating or responding to tension. 3rd – Saturday – Venus Conjunct Uranus, Sun Trine Jupiter – Luck is with us and an overwhelming optimism can prompt us to take some bold steps in a new direction, with good results. This is a day of aligning our chakras and getting in touch with our Higher Purpose. 4th – Sunday – Mercury Quincunx Saturn, Sun Square Neptune, Mars enters Cancer – Caution is necessary to corral our aspiration into something tangible. We are on the road to personal progress; enthusiasm needs to be tempered with a dose of common sense and courtesy for other people’s feelings. 5th – Monday – Venus Semi-square Neptune, Mercury Sesquiquadrate Jupiter – Our past understanding of the important ingredients in our lives can change now. Incremental steps are better than broad sweeping gestures. 6th – Tuesday – Venus enters Taurus, Mercury enters Gemini – A shift in awareness is encouraged; new information allows us to move along well trod ground with new eyes. We may want to start something new, but finishing what is already in motion may be the best use of our time. 7th – Wednesday – Mercury Semi-sextile Venus, Mercury Semi-sextile Mars – Carefully crafted communications can bridge the gap between people. We build trust and closeness based on common ground from our past experiences. We feel comfortable and at home with the people we love. 8th – Thursday – Venus Parallel Uranus, Mercury Sesquiquadrate Pluto – Much excitement makes our day invigorating. There are shades of meaning that can elude us unless we take time to examine closely what others are offering. 9th – Friday – The Full Moon is at 9:09 AM EDT on the 18th degree of Gemini/Sagittarius, Jupiter turns Direct, Venus Sextile Mars – Good feelings permeate all that we do. We can make magic happen in our daily lives as we build bridges between people. We reach new levels of understanding. 10th – Saturday – Frustration and anger can subtract from what can otherwise be a pleasant time. We do best when we are practical, patient, and ask for what we really want. 11th – Sunday – Mercury Contra-parallel Pluto – Introspective thought blends with common sense. Not everyone we deal with is completely forthcoming. We should make allowances for our own shortcomings, as well as other people’s. 12th – Monday – We may find it hard to hold to a steady course of action, but despite all the interruptions, this is still our best strategy for now. We run up against the limits of time, as some things we would like to accomplish just aren’t achievable. Prioritize. 13th – Tuesday – Mercury Contra-parallel Saturn, Mercury Semi-square Uranus, Mercury Trine Jupiter, Mercury Square Neptune – Make the most of the day. We know what is right and just need to do it. As long as we keep moving forward, we accomplish a lot in a short period of time. Take time to make others happy. 14th – Wednesday – We have momentum, as long as we stay with our plan. This is a pleasant time; there are people entering our lives that have the power to help us. We profit from recognizing that some authority figures are with us now for our benefit. 15th – Thursday – Sun Opposite Saturn, Venus Sesquiquadrate Saturn – We need to keep our eye on the ball even when we get distracted. Dealing with limitations of time, money, and energy can help us use our resources more efficiently. This is a time of reflection and realignment. 16th – Friday – Mercury Quincunx Pluto, Neptune turns Retrograde, Sun Parallel Mercury – We need to change our thinking in order to be effective. Our thoughts can either scatter in a number of directions or condense beyond recognition. Avoid overly emotional based responses to circumstances in the world; this same advice holds for discord emerging within our immediate circle. Waiting is not a bad strategy. 17th – Saturday – This is a great time to relax and acknowledge our good fortunes. Basic foundations are in place and we can avoid conflict by focusing exclusively on what is most positive. There will be a time to act on our plans in the near future; now is a recreational time and a moment for planning. 18th – Sunday – Sun Sextile Uranus, Mercury Opposite Saturn, Mercury Parallel Mars – We are outside our normal comfort zone and may feel impelled to hold back. Taking stock of real danger is prudent but we must not give way to fear. If we look, we can find the courage to act. 19th – Monday – Venus Quincunx Jupiter, Sun Semi-square Venus – All social activities are favored; we have an opportunity to seek out and connect with people; we have strong attractions and it’s time to act…Some restraint may be necessary but overall, having a good time is called for. 20th – Tuesday – Venus Sextile Neptune, Mercury Sextile Uranus, Sun enters Cancer – It’s a very full and peaceful day and a great time to acknowledge our good fortune. Both our ideals and our visions for the future get a push forward. Creativity is a strong force stirring our ideals to make something new possible. 21st – Wednesday – Mercury enters Cancer, Sun Conjuncts Mercury, Mercury Semi-square Venus – So much has changed in the world that we need to take a moment to catch up. Adjusting our personal lives will take more than just a little nudge. The good news is that we can really learn about ourselves, others, and life in this process of change. Now is the time for realignment. 22nd – Thursday – Meditation is always beneficial, but now and for the next two days, the aspects are particularly helpful for looking inward. There are those who could really use our help. This is a moment of synthesis; decisions made now can be put into action shortly and will improve our relationships. 23rd – Friday – The New Moon is on the 8th degree of Cancer at 10:30 PM EDT – A tremendous force of personality can come on the tails of enthusiasm. We need to choose our battles carefully as there is a gulf between our feelings of joy and the circumstances in the larger arena. Sharing what we have with others is a good use of energy. What we give away comes back. 24th – Saturday – Venus Trine Pluto – Taking care of practical issues and focusing on basic security concerns is the path to fulfillment. Romantic feelings and the urge to connect with loved ones should be honored. Warmth comes through closeness. 25th – Sunday – Mars Square Jupiter – Our devotion to a cause can give context and meaning to our lives. Competitive feelings can get in the way of community efforts to build consensus. Belonging to something larger than our own individual lives does not mean we exclude others. This is a time of building a new concept of family to embrace the whole planet. Stimulation of our mental life leads us to feelings of inclusion. 26th – Monday – Mars Trine Neptune – This may be the time for a form of self expression that has been missing of late. Getting out and moving around, like dancing, can be a good form of emotional expression and to change our energy. “Poetry in motion.” 27th – Tuesday – Mercury Square Jupiter, Mercury Trine Neptune – Big Ideas and high ideals are fine, but they need to be focused on some practical achievable goal to have meaning in the world. Observing other people’s feelings and including them in our plans is a good way to put light on our path. Listening is a way of learning, talking too much can truncate this process. 28th – Wednesday – Mercury Conjunct Mars, Venus Quincunx Saturn – Logic can go out the window when our emotions are stirred. It may be true that we want some things that aren’t in our best interest. Short term wants and immediate comfort are not in tune with where we need to go, or our higher values. Growth comes by evaluating our mission in light of our current activities. This is a time of retooling. 29th – Thursday – Mercury Opposite Pluto – Our struggles may be inward and we may be working against ourselves at some level. However, it is important to take note that even when there is harmony on the surface, there is an undercurrent of negative emotions existing between us and some other person. With great effort, we can transform these emotions into harmonious energy to be used by all. 30th – Friday – Our attempts at harmony may be only on the perimeter of the matters at hand. Emotional sensitivities run high; now is the perfect timing for observing how we contribute difficulties in key relationships. And the good news is that the necessary course corrections are right in front of us. Taking bold steps, our well-being improves quickly. Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material. Call him at 239-261-2840 or by e-mail at bobmulliga@aol.com. Visit our web site, www.theastrologycompany.com We all have our weaknesses. This last period has been one where I have made a concerted effort to change some of my own bad habits. And, I have had some success. External circumstances have had an impact on how this last month has gone. I was at the Meher Baba Center in South Carolina. While there I gave a two hour talk to the local Baba community called, “Meher Baba, Astrology, and the Spiritual Path.” It was well attended and well received. I was nervous, having never spoken to the community about my work. Finding the courage and mental discipline to talk with a bone honesty and transparency that I don’t normally exhibit, took some work. However, it really boils down to my relationship to my Master. Am I willing to be entirely His? One of Meher Baba’s older disciples, who had spent time with Him, attended my talk. It was recorded. If anyone would like a copy of it, it’s free, just ask. Well, on the 3rd and 4th of June I’ll be giving the live workshop in Ft. Lauderdale, “Astrological Boot Camp for Spiritual Aspirants.” Since committing to this workshop I have been working round the clock to complete my book. Over two days, I’m presenting 10 of the 12 chapters of my book. All of this material is new as I have never presented any of it before in lecture or article. The other two chapters were presented in talks a few years back (even though I have since revised them) and everyone attending this workshop has access to those lectures as well. It has been heartwarming to receive so much encouragement from those reading this newsletter. Sincerely, I do appreciate you making the time to write. So much time and energy goes into writing this, I’m just glad to hear someone reads it. So many changes for right now: I’m closing my offsite storage unit, distributing possessions to my children, deciding on a car, and where to live. My car lease is expiring this month. Now I have to decide to either buy this car I’ve been driving since 2012, buy another one, or lease another one. Also, my lease is up on my apartment at the end of July; so, I have to either sign a new lease, rent somewhere else, or buy a house. I’m staying in Naples in any case. Looking back over my life I’m grateful to so many people who have helped me along the way. Trying to make the rounds and tell those who have been there for me could be a full time job. I’ve been asked to speak at a number of places over the next year. So, I have that to decide on as well. My friend Arlan Wise is speaking at an International Astrology Conference in India at the end of January 2018 and asked me if I would consider applying for a job speaking there. I may do this as I would be in India shortly thereafter anyway….and I would love to see Arlan and other friends who I haven’t seen in a number of years. |