CD’s and DVD’sChoose from a selection of Cd’s or DVD’s featuring astrological topics, both technical and general. Important insight and information is featured including Using Astrology in Everyday Life. Learn how to use the principles of astrology in a simple manner to improve the functioning of your everyday life. Make your selection from the list below. 1. “What’s up with August 1999 Eclipse?” Receive a detailed description of what eclipses do. Understand why the August 1999 eclipse is the most important eclipse of the 20th century. Learn what you can do to make the most of this eclipse energy in your daily life. 3 Hour DVD $35.00, 3 Hour Audio CD $25.00 2. Using Symbols for Self Development This discussion tells how symbols come into being and why symbols exert such a strong force on our personality development at the unconscious level. Begin to understand reactions to people, places and situations to gain more control over daily life. 2 Hour Audio CD $20.00 3. Using Astrology in Everyday Life Learn how to use the principles of astrology in a simple manner to improve the functioning of your everyday life. 90 Minute Audio CD $10.00 4. State of the Universe Find out how the major planetary patterns have pointed to important turns in world culture. 2 Hour Audio CD $15.00 5. The Road Ahead Lively discussion describing the thought processes astrologers go through to forecast major modern cultural events. 90 Minute Audio CD $10.00 6. Preparing for the New Millenium How to experience and participate in the profound world wide changes in a conscious and positive way. 4 Hours Audio DVD $40.00, 2 Hour Video CD $40.00 To order please print and mail the order form, or call us at 239.261.2840. |